Anyone can experience a dental emergency, even when you do your best to prevent it. Your Riverside Dental Group team is here to help guide you through these urgent situations and protect your oral health. Preventive measures like a good oral hygiene routine, regular checkups, and protective mouthguards can help reduce the chances of a smile-related emergency. However, these cannot always be avoided. It’s important that you know what to do if faced with an urgent situation.
Relieving Discomfort From A Toothache
Tooth pain and swelling around the area may happen if something has become lodged in your gums, you have a severe cavity, or from grinding your teeth. If the pain comes on suddenly and the discomfort is persistent, your dentist should examine it. Leaving this problem untreated could lead to the problem worsening. You can call your dentist to schedule an emergency visit and take pain reducers while you wait. The team will examine your smile and determine what may be the source of the problem. Patients who frequently grind their teeth may have bruxism. This can often be treated with non-invasive options and restorations can repair damage that might have occurred. If the cause of your discomfort is due to a serious cavity, you may need a root canal to relieve the pain and treat the decay.
Restoring Broken Or Damaged Teeth
Fractures and cracks are another common dental emergency. This can happen if you bite into something too hard, hits in the face when playing games, or other similar accidents. Save the pieces of your tooth if you are able to do so. Applying cloth or gauze to the area can help minimize the bleeding while you wait for your appointment. The team will examine the injury and may be able to restore it with a dental crown. If the injury is more severe, the tooth may need to be removed and replaced later with a prosthetic option. For concerns such as a loose adult tooth or swollen gums, try to avoid touching the area and take over-the-counter pain relievers. This can happen from symptoms of gum disease or other injuries.
Call Our Team When You Need Urgent Care
If you are experiencing discomfort, don’t delay coming in for a visit. Our team is equipped to handle urgent smile-related needs like aches, fractures, cavities, and more. Call your nearest Riverside Dental Group to schedule an appointment with our team.
Riverside Dental Group at Magnolia in Riverside, CA at (951) 689-5031.
Dental Associates of Moreno Valley in Moreno Valley, CA at (951) 697-6800.
Riverside Dental Group At Woodcrest (951) 776-9001
Oasis Family Dental in Temecula, CA at (951) 695-2290.
Dental Associates of Riverside in Riverside, CA at (951) 369-1001.
Dental Associates of Corona in Corona, CA at (951) 273-9580.
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