Riverside, CA, dentist offers mouthguards

Playing contact sports is a great way to exercise and have fun. When playing contact games like soccer, hockey, football, or others, it’s important that you take care to protect your teeth and jaw. Accidental bumps, hits, and tackles can lead to traumatic dental injuries if your smile is not protected. That’s why your Riverside, CA, dental group offers pro-form mouthguards. This simple tool can help shield your teeth, gums, and tongue from traumatic injuries.

Reduce The Need For Emergency Care

Pro-form mouthguards are customized to fit your smile and protect it from common sports-related injuries. Unlike generic ones, this option is measured precisely to your specific needs for improved comfort and protection. They can reduce the chances of a traumatic tooth injury and help you avoid time-consuming and expensive emergency dental care.

Contact sports like hockey, soccer, and football can be fun for you or your kids, but they are not without risk. Your child could bump into someone too roughly and potentially knock out a tooth. By wearing this protective gear, the chances of a broken tooth or damaged orthodontic appliances are decreased. If you are hit or tackled while playing a game, your braces could become damaged or even cut your lip or the inside of your mouth. Additionally, this can decrease the risk of jaw fractures and concussions. This means your child will be safer on the field and won’t have to miss games due to injuries.

You Can Customize Your Guard

Getting a mouthguard is a simple process. At your next appointment, you can talk to your dentist about your needs. They can take an impression of your smile to send to the lab and create the appliance. This tool can be made for patients of all ages, and for professional to beginner level sports. You can pick from a variety of colors to match your team or choose your favorite color. One of the best benefits of this option is that it can also last for many years.

When the gear is ready, we will check it for fit and comfort. Any adjustments that need to be made will be made and then the appliance is yours to wear. Remember to wear this during practice and games to shield your pearly whites from injuries. If you do experience a smile-related injury, our team is equipped to provide emergency care.

Take The Extra Step To Protect Your Smile

We can help prevent sports-related injuries. To get your custom mouthguard, schedule an appointment with your nearest Riverside, CA dental group today.

Riverside Dental Group at Magnolia in Riverside, CA at (951) 689-5031.

Dental Associates of Moreno Valley in Moreno Valley, CA at (951) 697-6800.

Riverside Dental Group At Woodcrest (951) 776-9001

Oasis Family Dental in Temecula, CA at (951) 695-2290.

Dental Associates of Riverside in Riverside, CA at (951) 369-1001.

Dental Associates of Corona in Corona, CA at (951) 273-9580.