Riverside, CA, dentist offers crowns

Your Riverside, CA, dental team has several treatment options available to address harm done to your smile. Whether you have a serious cavity that needs to be treated, a chipped or cracked tooth, or weakened dental structures, we can find a helpful restoration. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss how dental crowns can help protect your smile after damage.

Dental Fillings Treat Cavities

As a general rule, you should see your dentist every six months. Checkups can help detect early signs of decay, gingivitis, and more. If a cavity is found, your dentist will likely recommend that you have a dental filling done to treat it before it reaches a serious stage. The damaged part of your tooth will be removed, cleaned, and filled with composite resin. This minimally invasive restoration can protect you from getting a root canal done. Composite resin blends in with your natural smile and helps prevent bacteria from entering the space again.

Cover And Support A Damaged Tooth

Usually, fillings are done to treat cavities. However, if the decay is more severe, a crown may be necessary. This is often recommended after a root canal or for seriously weakened teeth. Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that go over the top of your pearly whites. They may be made of porcelain, zirconia, metal, or a combination of porcelain-fused-to-metal depending on where they will be placed. Your dentist may recommend this if your tooth has been weakened, so that you can avoid having it removed. They will take an impression of your tooth to create a cap that fits precisely to your smile. This can help improve your ability to chew and protect your smile from tooth loss.

Partial Restorations Protect Your Smile

Inlays and onlays offer similar protective functions as a crown. The difference is that these are partial restorative options, like a puzzle piece, instead of a restoration that covers the entire dental structure. Inlays and onlays may be used if the cusp (the bite surface) has been harmed from decay or another injury. An impression of the area will be made to craft your custom restoration and then added to the specific area. This helpful restoration may be used instead of a crown for teeth that do not need to be covered completely.

Talk To Our Team About Restorations

We can help repair your smile after damage. To learn more about your treatment options, schedule an appointment with your closest Riverside Dental Group location.

Riverside Dental Group at Magnolia in Riverside, CA at (951) 689-5031.

Dental Associates of Moreno Valley in Moreno Valley, CA at (951) 697-6800.

Riverside Dental Group at Woodcrest (951) 776-9001

Oasis Family Dental in Temecula, CA at (951) 695-2290.

Dental Associates of Riverside in Riverside, CA at (951) 369-1001.

Dental Associates of Corona in Corona, CA at (951) 273-9580.