at Riverside Dental Group can virtually reshape your teeth, smoothing over jagged tooth edges or creating a more masculine or feminine look, depending on your desires.

Simpler than you May Realize

Porcelain veneers are considered to be a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure. Anyone that feels self-conscious as a result of any of the aforementioned cosmetic dental issues can benefit from dental veneers. The only prerequisite is a healthy set of teeth and gums. If you have existing infection, you’ll want to make sure that necessary restorative work is implemented before any cosmetic procedures. Otherwise, your efforts will not last. The only other stipulation is that a patient has reached full facial maturity. If your bone structure is still growing and maturing, you’re veneers may not last or look right for long.

Your New Veneers

Once you have been examined and treated for any existing gum disease or tooth decay, we can move forward with measurements and fabrication of the porcelain wafers that will become your new smile. We are dedicated to using high quality materials for cosmetic dentistry. We work closely with a skilled dental ceramist to offer beautiful, long-lasting porcelain veneers to patients. When you insist on quality, your veneers will look and feel natural because the thin porcelain shells will cover over flaws without adding bulk. The materials will also be color matched to your surrounding smile, all the while mimicking the translucence of your natural teeth.

Porcelain Veneers from Riverside Cosmetic Dentists

If you would like to make over your smile with the versatile cosmetic procedure of porcelain dental veneers, schedule a consultation with one of our dentists at our Riverside dental office. Dental Associates of Riverside can be reached at (951) 369-1001.