from Riverside Dental Group want you to stay aware that gas pockets can develop inside your teeth when you fly, imposing possible discomfort, and even potential tooth damage.

Are High-Altitude Toothaches Serious?

People afflicted by barodontalgia are generally those that have undiagnosed cavities, fillings, deep tooth crevices, or mouth inflammation. During an airplane flight, sudden barometric pressure changes occur when a plane ascends or descends. This creates potential gas expansion in various parts of the body, including intestines, sinuses, and ear canals. You probably know that chewing gum helps to “pop” your ears to relieve this sort of pressure. Internal organs and tissues are very pliant, so weathering gas build-up boils down to a slight discomfort for most people. However, when gas pockets develop in your teeth, the rigid nature of your dentin will not allow expansion. Too much pressure in your teeth and you may find yourself dealing with a dental crisis.

The Tell-Tale Signs of Barodontalgia

The next time you’re on an airplane, if you should feel soreness, pressure, or sudden sensitivity in a tooth, you might shrug it off. This could be followed by sharp pain in your teeth, however. Any tooth restorations or cosmetic prosthetics in your mouth such as crowns, fillings, or dental veneers could crack or dislodge during your flight. One way to look on the bright side, however, is that in-flight toothaches are sometimes a signal of tooth or root infections which are undiscovered as of yet. If you succumb to a significant bout of barodontalgia, make sure to arrange an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

Dental Checkups with Moreno Valley General Dentists

If you have a toothache, you are due for a dental checkup, or in need of any general dentistry services schedule an appointment at our Moreno Valley dentist office by contacting us at (951) 697-6800. Located in the 92533 area, we proudly serve patients from Moreno Valley and all surrounding communities.