Do you have a smile dulled with yellow or brown stains? Discoloration can really zap the beauty from your smile. Fortunately, professional can address discoloration and offer a smile brightened by multiple shades. At Riverside Dental Group, we offer two unique types of processional cosmetic whitening.

Teeth Whitening Quiz

1. True or False: The foods and drinks we consume can cause discoloration.

2. True or False: Injury and medication can also lead to teeth stains.

3. True or False: You can have a brighter smile in about an hour.

4. True or False: We offer patients an at-home whitening system.

Answer Key

1. True. Also known as extrinsic stains, this type of discoloration forms on the surface of the teeth. Drinks with dark pigments, as well as smoking, can cause embarrassing stains to form. We usually address this with our in-office and at-home whitening.

2. True. These are referred to as intrinsic stains because they form below the surface of the teeth. Taking tetracycline, trauma to the face or jaw, and fluorosis are all common factors behind intrinsic teeth stains. We can remove this discoloration with at-home bleaching or with porcelain veneers.

3. True. With Zoom Whitening, we will place a protective covering over your lips and gums. Then, we will apply a powerful bleaching gel to the teeth. The gel will be activated with a special light. This system can remove surface discoloration, offering a brighter smile.

4. True. For our home-based system, we will take impressions of your teeth and create a set of custom-made bleaching trays. We will then prescribe a powerful bleaching solution. Each day, you will fill the tray with gel and wear it for a set amount of time. Optimal results will be visible in about one to two weeks.

About Your Riverside Dentists

Do you need a dental practice that offers personalized treatment plans and a caring approach to dentistry? Then talk to your Riverside dentists today. The caring professionals at Riverside Dental Group provide a full suite of services, including general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry. Contact us at (951) 689-5031 for all of your dental care needs.