When we encourage you to schedule your next visit in six months after you see us for a checkup, we do so with your best interest at heart. Even when you leave our office with a clean bill of oral health, maintaining consistent dental checkups provides you with a safety net for the long-term healthy, beautiful smile you want for yourself and your loved ones. Wondering why a preventive visit is so important? Test your knowledge with the following quiz for insight into why we feel so strongly about seeing your smiling faces twice a year.

Dental Checkup Quiz

  1. You only need to visit once every six months if you practice poor dental hygiene at home.
  2. A dental checkup is primarily an examination for cavities.
  3. We include an oral cancer screening as part of your dental checkup.
  4. Neglecting dental checkups while you suffer from gum disease may result in severe damage, including tooth loss and bone deterioration.
  5. We are only concerned with your teeth and gums during your checkup.

Your Quiz Answers

  1. False. Even if you practice excellent brushing and flossing at home, your six-month checkup is an essential part of preventing oral disease and its long-term effects.
  2. False. We offer comprehensive dental checkups, which include a visual exam, an examination with the use of advanced dental imaging like digital X-rays, and even snapshots of your mouth’s interior with the use of an intraoral camera – we look for cavities, early signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and abnormalities that may point to an infection or decline in oral health.
  3. True. By providing you with an oral cancer screening once every six months, we can closely monitor changes as they occur in your mouth – early detection greatly improves treatment success rates.
  4. True. Periodontal disease is a serious progressive problem that will first damage your gum tissue before moving on to your connective and bone tissue – by catching gum inflammation in its earliest stages, we may offer effective treatment to prevent long-term side effects.
  5. False. We are concerned with your overall oral health, which also includes your jaw joints and supportive structures – we will ask you a series of questions to determine whether treatment for problems like TMJ disorder (poorly functioning jaw joints) or bruxism (teeth grinding) may improve your daily and long-term comfort. 


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.