Category: Preventive Dentistry

Mouthguards Keep Your Child’s Smile Safe

Riverside, CA, dentist offers mouthguards

We know you do your best to keep your kids happy and healthy. You bring them to their biannual dental checkups, bring them to their extracurricular activities, and sign them up for sports to try out. While activities like football, hockey, and soccer can be fun for your child, they are not without risk of… Read more »

Are You Up To Date On Dental Checkups?

Did you know that you are supposed to see the dentist at least twice each year for a dental checkup? If it has been a while since the last time that you were in the office for a cleaning and examination, take the time to meet with our team. Your semiannual dental checkups are your… Read more »

Cleanings And Examinations Prevent Common Dental Concerns

Riverside, CA, dentist offers preventive checkups for patients of all ages

Many people wait to see their dentist until a problem arises and becomes an emergency. However, this can often end up costing more of your time and money than coming in for a routine checkup twice a year. Your Riverside Dental Group in California offers preventive care that includes biannual cleanings and examinations. These steps… Read more »

Why A Dental Cleaning Is So Important

corona cleaning

While brushing and flossing is important, this cannot remove all plaque and tartar build from your smile. Which is why you need to undergo treatment to remove the layers and safeguards your smile. In today’s blog, Riverside Dental Group in Corona, CA, talks about why you should have your teeth cleaned every six months.

Protect Your Smile With A Custom Mouthguard

Riverside , CA, dentist offers mouthguards

Do you or your children play contact sports? This is a great way to have fun and stay active. However, there are risks involved when participating in these activities. Your Riverside Dental team in Riverside, CA, can help reduce the chances of mouth-related injuries by creating a personalized mouthguard. This can protect your teeth, gums,… Read more »

Caring For Your Smile Has Many Benefits

When you feel like you have healthy teeth already, going to the dentist may feel redundant. You may have great oral hygiene and keep up with brushing and flossing. These are a great way to prevent many dental-related problems. However, many people do not know that routine checkups allow your dentist to see early signs… Read more »

Schedule Your Next Dental Checkup Before The Holidays

your next dental checkup riverside ca

Can you remember the last time you were in the dental office for a cleaning and an examination? If you are struggling to recall when that was, it is time for you to schedule your next appointment for a semiannual dental checkup. Like the name suggests, these visits are recommended at least twice each year… Read more »

Making The Most Out Of Your Checkup

Gray Background Riverside CA

If it has been too long since the last time you were in the dental office for a cleaning and examination, use this as an opportunity to renew your emphasis on your oral health. While you wait between visits, you could be exposing yourself to serious risk of common dental conditions such as tooth decay… Read more »

Dental Checkups Protect Your Mouth

closeup Word DENTIST in calendar

What actions do we take to maintain robust oral health throughout our entire lives? In addition to daily brushing and flossing, a primary component of your routine should be the scheduling of examinations and cleanings at least twice a year. These appointments play a critical role in both preventing possible future dental damage as well… Read more »

Remove Plaque With Regular Cleaning

dental cleaning

The fight for proper oral hygiene begins at home, but we maintain it through regular trips to the dentist. In general, two appointments per year allow you to prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar that contributes to tooth decay. Your dental hygienist will review the efforts of your daily brushing and flossing and perform… Read more »