How do you feel about your smile? Do you feel self-conscious due to unsightly teeth stains? Over time, bacteria, smoking, certain foods and drinks, and other factors can lead to embarrassing discoloration. In order to combat your teeth stains, you may need treatment. How do you brighten your teeth? With professional teeth whitening and good oral care habits, you can enjoy am improved smile.

Brighter Smiles Quiz

1. True or False: Zoom! Whitening erases stains in under an hour.

2. True or False: We offer at-home systems.

3. True or False: By watching what you eat and drink you can reduce discoloration.

4. True or False: You should have your teeth cleaned regularly.

Answer Key

1. True. With Zoom!, we place a protective covering over the gums and lips. We then apply a bleaching gel to the teeth. We activate the bleaching ingredients with a special curing light. Discoloration on the surface of the tooth is erased in about 45 minutes to an hour.

2. True. An alternative to our office-based system, we provide patients with a set of custom-made trays. We prescribe a bleaching gel that is placed into the trays. Each day you will wear the trays for a set amount of time. Optimal results typically take between a week and ten days.

3. True. Foods high in sugar and drinks containing dark pigments (soda, tea, red wine, and coffee) can lead to discoloration. By cutting back on these, you can reduce the appearance of teeth stains.

4. True. A routine dental cleaning can keep your smile bright. We remove plaque buildup and polish your teeth, leaving a smoother and brighter finish. You should have your teeth cleaned at least once every six months. Doing so also reduces the risk of developing gum disease. For more information on cleanings and our whitening treatments, contact our office today.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.