Do you wish you could obtain a red carpet smile? In order to remove discoloration and enjoy optimal results, you need professional teeth whitening. Many patients ask: “Do I qualify for teeth whitening?” In most situations our whitening systems can help remove stains and brighten teeth by multiple shades.

Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Whitening in Temecula, CA

Question: Why do our teeth become stained?

Answer: There are actually two distinct types of discoloration. The most common form occurs on the surface of the teeth. Known as extrinsic discoloration, these stains can be caused by drinks with dark pigments or smoking. The second type is intrinsic, forming below the surface of the teeth. Trauma, fluorosis, and the use of certain medications, such as tetracycline, can cause this type of stain.

Question: What can we do to prevent discoloration?

Answer: To avoid teeth stains you must maintain good oral habits. You should brush twice daily and floss before going to bed. You also need to have your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year. We recommend you stop smoking or using tobacco products and cut back on food and drinks containing dark pigments or a high amount of sugar.

Question: What is Zoom! Whitening?

Answer: Zoom! Whitening can address extrinsic stains in less than an hour. After placing a protective covering onto your lips and gums, a bleaching gel is applied to the teeth. We then use a special curing light to activate the ingredients, so the bleaching gel begins removing the surface stains. The entire process takes between 45 minutes and an hour.

Question: Can I brighten my smile at home?

Answer: Yes. Our home-based technique can address extrinsic stains and minor intrinsic discoloration. We will provide you with a set of trays and a bleaching solution. Each day you will fill the trays with gel and wear them for the amount of time the doctor recommends. Results take between a week and ten days.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.