Do you notice a clicking or popping sensation in your jaw? Are you wondering: “Why does my jaw pop?” You may be one of the over ten million people who suffer from TMJ disorder, or TMD. A serious oral health disorder, without treatment TMD can eventually make opening and closing your mouth difficult.

Corona, CA TMJ Disorder Quiz

1. True or False: Strain on the jaw joints can cause TMD issues.

2. True or False: A popping jaw can be a symptom of TMJ disorder.

3. True or False: Patients may also develop bruxism.

4. True or False: We can treat the issue with an oral splint.

Answer Key

1. True. When your temporomandibular joints become stressed you can develop TMJ disorder. The strain can be the result of teeth grinding/clenching, osteoarthritis, missing teeth, anxiety, or trauma.

2. True. Common warning signs of TMD include popping or crackling sensations in the jaw, facial pain, headaches, earaches, and pain in the neck/shoulder. If you grind your teeth then you may also encounter tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures or frequent toothaches.

3. True. One of the more common issues to develop as a result of TMD is bruxism. This refers to the chronic grinding of your teeth or clenching of your jaw. Often this only occurs during sleep, but you will notice toothaches, sensitivity, headaches, or chips/fractures in your teeth. The damage from this issue can expose your teeth to a higher risk of tooth decay and infection.

4. True. Worn at night and similar in appearance to a nightguard, an oral splint can reposition the jaw to ease strain. If you also grind your teeth the splint can prevent further damage by preventing your upper and lower teeth from coming into contact. If you have any questions about diagnosising this disorder or if you want to discuss possible treatment options, contact our office today.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.