A beautiful smile can provide a major boost to your overall confidence levels. In addition, you can make a great impression when meeting someone new. How do we improve the beauty of our teeth and gums? With cosmetic dentistry, we provide an array of treatments designed to improve the appearance of the teeth. Do you need cosmetic dentistry?

Frequently Asked Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry

Question: How do you remove teeth stains?

Answer: In order to brighten your teeth you may benefit from teeth whitening. We offer two forms of cosmetic whitening. The first, Zoom! Whitening, is performed in-office and uses a bleaching gel and curing light to remove stains in about an hour. The second involves a set of custom-made trays and a bleaching gel to remove discoloration from home in about one to two weeks.

Question: Can you repair damaged teeth in one visit?

Answer: Yes. Dental bonding involves using a composite resin to build up lost tooth structure in a single visit. We can use this option to address chips, advanced decay, gaps between teeth, or permanent discoloration.

Question: How do porcelain veneers work?

Answer: Veneers involve taking a thin restoration and placing it over the front of the tooth. Veneers look similar to natural enamel and are strong and stain resistant. By placing hem we can mask discoloration, correct the appearance of minor alignment problems, close gaps between teeth, or reshape damaged or malformed teeth. We can completely transform the tooth’s appearance with as little as two visits.

Question: Do I need gum contouring?

Answer: If you have excessive gingival tissue your teeth may appear small. We can remove the excess gum tissue to improve the appearance of your smile. Known as gum contouring, this is a cosmetic procedure designed to address puffy gums and improve your smile’s beauty.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.