With summer arriving you probably want to obtain a brighter smile before hitting the beach. If you would like to remove discoloration, reshape your teeth, or address other esthetic issues, then you may benefit from cosmetic dentistry. Let’s look at five cosmetic treatments to improve your smile.

5 Cosmetic Treatment Options in Riverside, CA

1. Teeth Whitening: We actually offer two different types of teeth whitening. Zoom! can brighten teeth in as little as 45 minutes from our office. The at-home alternative can remove discoloration in about a week using trays filled with bleaching gel. The option we recommend will depend on your goals and the cause of your discoloration.

2. Bonding and Contouring: If you have a chipped tooth or one with imperfections in the surface, we can address the issue in one visit with bonding and contouring. Bonding involves applying a composite resin to reshape the tooth. Contouring involves buffing away a small portion of the surface to remove pits or grooves.

3. Gum Contouring: A “gummy smile” occurs when there is excessive gingival tissue, which can make the teeth appear small or misshapen. With gum contouring we can reshape the gums for a more attractive smile.

4. Porcelain Veneers: With a veneer we place a thin shell of porcelain onto the front of the teeth. The veneer then completely alters the appearance of the teeth, masking stains and imperfections, reshaping or lengthen the tooth, and even closing gaps between teeth. The veneer is stain-resistant and provides decades of restoration.

5. White Restorations: If you require a crown or a filling we can offer you a metal-free option that looks completely natural. Using composite resin, we can place fillings that blend with your tooth and can be placed in a single visit. We can use ceramic or zirconia to provide lifelike dental crowns, restoring both the function and appearance of your tooth.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.