Few procedures make people feel as uncomfortable as a root canal. This is unfortunate, since the procedure itself is actually quite comfortable and safe. What happens during a root canal procedure? Why is the procedure necessary? Endodontic treatment can actually protect the stability and overall health of your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canal Treatment in Corona, CA

Question: Does everyone need this procedure?

Answer: We recommend this procedure for people who have develop a dental infection or abscess. The treatment can address the discomfort and restore the health and appearance of the smile.

Question: Is it comfortable?

Answer: Yes. Most people find the procedure comparable to receiving a dental filling. The treatment begins with the doctor administering a local anesthetic to ensure comfort. Then tooth will then be opened and the doctor will remove the infected tissue. We then thoroughly clean and disinfect the interior or the tooth as well as the root canals. Afterward, we place a restorative filling material into the tooth.

Question: How will my teeth look afterward?

Answer: Yes. We put a crown over the top of the tooth. The crown covers the visible portion, protecting the remaining tooth structure and preventing further damage, decay, or infection. We use ceramic to provide a crown that looks completely natural. Once complete, your repaired tooth will blend with the rest of your smile.

Question: What if I say “no” to the procedure?

Answer: Without treatment the infection will continue to progress until the tooth may require removal. An extraction prevents the infection from reaching other teeth or seeping into the jawbone itself. To maintain a complete smile we urge patients with infected teeth to receive endodontic treatment. If you have any questions about root canal treatment then please contact our office today. We want to help you enjoy a whole and healthy smile.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.