Scheduling your dental filling to repair your tooth may seem like nothing more than a task you need to check off of your to-do list. However, ensuring you make time for this restorative treatment is actually very important. In most cases, waiting a day or two to return to our practice to address your cavity will not result in side effects. However, putting your filling off for an extended period may certainly yield serious consequences. Become familiar with the reasons to add some urgency to your plans to fix your tooth.

Your Tooth Will Look New

We use tooth-colored fillings at our practice, which are composed of a synthetic resin material called “composite.” We will match the color of the composite to your tooth’s shade for a beautiful finish that is completely undetectable. You can expect your tooth to look new again, rather than display signs of prior tooth decay.

You Can Avoid An Infection

Tooth decay is progressive. This means that if you postpone your dental filling, the decay will continue to become worse. Unfortunately, this means bad things for your tooth. An opening that provides entrance into your tooth’s body and roots creates an ideal environment for bacteria to invade, resulting in an infection. Rather than waiting until you require root canal treatment, save yourself the time and energy by choosing a filling.

You Can Prevent A Broken Tooth

Imagine your tooth with a cavity in it. A cavity begins as a small hole within your tooth tissue – now visualize a larger, crater-like cavity. The walls of your tooth begin to become quite thin the larger the cavity becomes. What was once a solid piece of tissue becomes fragile. The longer you ignore your cavity, the greater the chance that your tooth – or a portion of it – will shatter. Stick with dental fillings, which are more budget-friendly than a dental crown.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.