Do you find that you feel highly dissatisfied with your smile because of concerns you worry may be considered too insignificant for treatment? First, allow us to reassure you that every detail is considered important when it comes to helping you achieve the look you desire for your smile. Fortunately, we offer dental bonding to create the illusion of additional tissue if your imperfections result from a lack of tissue. For instance, you may find that with just a little bit more tooth tissue in one or several target locations, your smile would look just how you want it. Learn more about treatment, so you can move forward on your journey toward a prettier grin.

Question: Why do you suggest dental bonding?

Answer: We suggest bonding for minor esthetic concerns, including the desire to fill gaps between teeth, to lengthen a tooth or several teeth for a symmetrical smile, to repair minor issues like cracks or small chips, or to cover serious stains.

Question: Will the material match my tooth?

Answer: Yes, we use a material called composite. This substance is a synthetic acrylic resin. Fortunately, it is quite easy to work with and color-customizable. This means we can match the shade of the bonding to your tooth and that we may mold it to your specifications.

Question: How many visits will I need to schedule?

Answer: In general, dental bonding requires only one visit. We will mold the composite during treatment, so there is no need for wait time or follow-up visits.

Question: Will you need to numb my tooth first?

Answer: No, bonding is completely comfortable. You may feel us working but it will not result in any discomfort.

Question: Is bonding affordable?

Answer: Yes, dental bonding is known as one of the most budget-friendly cosmetic solutions around, similar to dental contouring.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.