Do you spend time lamenting the way your smile looks? What is the problem, exactly? If you have ever wished you could gently reshape your teeth or soften problem areas, then it may be time to look into the benefits of dental contouring. This cosmetic treatment is akin to filing your fingernails – you can dramatically alter the shape of your teeth (and the appearance of your entire smile). With the removal of a minuscule portion of your tooth tissue, we can address little imperfections that make a dramatic impact.

Dental Contouring Steps

  • Consultation: We will begin by inspecting your smile and speaking with you about your goals. We can achieve many different improvements with contouring, such as reducing a long tooth, smoothing a pointed tooth, or even improving the texture of a pitted tooth. We can make a single change or multiple changes. The goal of our consultation is come to an agreement regarding the choices you desire.
  • Imaging: We may need to take X-rays of your teeth to ensure you have enough enamel for us to contour your smile. Enamel is your tooth’s outermost layer. Most patients will make good candidates for this gentle treatment.
  • Contouring: This is a subtractive cosmetic treatment, which means we will take away a little bit of your tooth tissue. Dental contouring includes a delicate buffing process. We will utilize a handheld polishing instrument to carefully take away bits of tissue on target sites. You can expect a quick, comfortable visit.

Addressing Your Concerns

You don’t need to worry about contouring causing discomfort. To the contrary, dental contouring is known for many things, including its comfort as well as its convenience. Generally speaking, contouring only requires a single visit for you to achieve the simple or dramatic improvement you want for your smile. 


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.