There are those obvious reasons that you may have a toothache, of course: You bit into something that was hard. You have a cavity that needs a filling but you haven’t set up your appointment yet. You got hit in the mouth with a volleyball and things are still a little bit uncomfortable. What you may not recognize, however, is that you may have damage that you’re not considering or that some other less obvious factor is involved in your pain. Remember, when discomfort occurs, it’s always best to let us in on the problem, so we may perform a checkup! Either you’ll need some treatment to prevent further damage or we will send you home with an explanation and a plan for relief!

It’s Actually TMJ Or Bruxism Pain

You might not necessarily have a toothache in that your tooth isn’t exactly damaged or diseased. You may even have pain that’s affecting multiple teeth, though it feels like a single tooth. When bruxism (grinding/clenching) affects your life or TMJ disorder (jaw joint dysfunction) is occurring, pain is frequently a symptom. Your teeth may feel uncomfortable or pain from your jaw joint may radiate into your teeth.

It’s Just Sinus Pressure

Are you congested? Do you suffer from allergies or do you have a cold or sinus infection? When you’ve got pressure from within your sinuses pressing on your teeth, you can end up feeling like you have a toothache. Rest assured that if you can address the congestion, the discomfort will likely let up. However, this may be a sign that you have a cavity and the pressure is just giving you the nudge you need to visit us.

Something Is Damaged

You could have a damaged crown, a crack, or otherwise. See us just to be on the safe side.

Schedule Time For Toothache Treatment ASAP

When your tooth hurts, there is very possibly something wrong that requires immediate treatment. Take time ASAP to see us, so we may check in on your smile to make sure everything is okay or to provide further care. Give us a call in Riverside, CA to schedule a consultation with your dentist. We are proud to serve patients from Riverside, Temecula, Moreno Valley, Corona, and all surrounding California communities. To schedule an appointment, contact one of the following locations nearest to you:

Riverside Dental Group at Magnolia in Riverside, CA at (951) 689-5031.

Dental Associates of Moreno Valley in Moreno Valley, CA at (951) 697-6800.

Riverside Dental Group at Woodcrest in Riverside, CA at (951) 776-9001.

Oasis Family Dental in Temecula, CA at (951) 695-2290.

Dental Associates of Riverside in Riverside, CA at (951) 369-1001.

Dental Associates of Corona in Corona, CA at (951) 273-9580.