The onset of a nightly teeth grinding problem can quickly lead to concerns about dental pain and sensitivity, jaw stiffness, and discomfort in your face and neck. These issues can be particularly serious when you first wake, but as they worsen, it can be difficult to feel truly rid of them as your day goes on. At our Riverside, CA dentist’s office, we are prepared to help you with this issue, known as bruxism. With a custom oral appliance, we can make sure that bruxism does not do any further damage to your teeth, and we can protect you against problems with your jaw health that can stem from unresolved grinding and clenching.

Is A Nightly Teeth Grinding Problem Putting Your Smile At Risk?

If you think you might have a problem with clenching or grinding your teeth at night, you should take it seriously. The longer it goes on, the more harm it can ultimately do to your enamel. That can mean experiencing chips or cracks in your teeth that require cosmetic or restorative work. You can also suffer from worsening jaw pain, stiffness, and other concerns because you are putting excess pressure on the joints.

Oral Appliance Therapy Can Protect Your Smile

With a custom oral appliance, we can help you put an end to problems with nightly bruxism. The appliance is personalized to make sure that it fits properly and remains secure. When in position, it will help you keep your teeth safe against the unconscious efforts to grind and clench. This can do more than just protect your enamel, as it will also help you ease pressure on your jaw.

What Do I Do If I Already Have Dental Damage?

If you already have dental damage because of an untreated teeth grinding problem, we can evaluate you to see if you would benefit more from cosmetic or restorative dental work. Cosmetic services are more conservative, but restorative treatment will be necessary if there are problems with your bite, or with your overall dental health.

Talk To Your Riverside, CA Dentist About Your Teeth Grinding Difficulties

Difficulties with nightly teeth grinding should be treated like a serious concern, as this problem can lead to serious dental damage if it is not treated. The sooner you act to protect your smile, the less likely you are to suffer chips or cracks that require further care. If you would like to find out more, or if you are interested in reaching one of our other locations closer to you, please call us at the following:

Dental Associates of Riverside in Riverside, CA at (951) 369-1001.

Riverside Dental Group at Magnolia in Riverside, CA at (951) 689-5031.

Dental Associates of Moreno Valley in Moreno Valley, CA at (951) 697-6800.

Riverside Dental Group at Woodcrest in Riverside, CA at (951) 776-9001.

Oasis Family Dental in Temecula, CA at (951) 695-2290.

Dental Associates of Corona in Corona, CA at (951) 273-9580.