Category: Children’s Dentistry

Why Bring Your Child To A Children’s Dentist?

Have you been wondering if it’s probably a good idea to bring your child in to see our children’s dentist? Why bother with a dentist practicing children’s dentistry, you ask yourself? Does it really make a difference? We certainly think it does! Learn a bit more about why specialized care for your son or daughter… Read more »

Your Riverside Children’s Dentist Talks: Product Precautions!

Your Riverside children’s dentist knows that when it comes to keeping your kids safe, one of the things you’ve got to do with little ones is keep dangerous products hidden away. This can become overwhelming at first, as things you would never think of as a hazard for yourself can be extremely threatening to little… Read more »

Your Riverside Children’s Dentist’s Quiz: Sippy Cups

Have you been wondering about sippy cups for your child? Are you curious about whether it’s okay for your kids to use them all day long, every day? Is it okay for them to tote them around? How long should they be using those cups, anyway, when they seem perfectly capable of using an adult… Read more »

Anyone Can Celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month

Did you realize that February is National Children’s Dental Health Month? Do you have children? Whether or not the answer is yes, this happens to be something that anyone can celebrate! Help yourself, your spouse, your kids, your friends, and more make the most of their dental care with easy to follow suggestions for improvement.

Your Children’s Dentist Discusses: Details That Can Trip You Up

What’s on your mind when it comes to your kids’ dental health, your children’s dentist wants to know? Are you generally optimistic, proactive, and feeling good about guiding your little ones’ oral health but you sometimes find yourself tripped up by a bit of confusion? Before you make any type of assumptions that cause you… Read more »

Your Children’s Dentist Talks: Dental Care Guidance

Do you feel like you’re completely on track with your child’s dental care? Or, are there times when you feel like you most certainly know how to care for your own smile but making it through the daily details with your little one is a bit overwhelming? Fortunately, your children’s dentist has some helpful tips… Read more »

Your Children’s Dentist Says: Try Our Flossing Quiz!

Your children’s dentist would like to remind you of the importance of flossing. If you thought that this was just for adults or grownups and teens, think again: Kids require this step during dental hygiene just as much as their big sis, big bro, Mom, and Dad! While this is all well and good, if… Read more »

Your Riverside Children’s Dentist Talks: Water Facts

While you probably have a general understanding that water is good, that doesn’t mean you have the whole story … particularly as it applies to your children’s smile health. Since water is so essential to our overall and oral health, your Riverside children’s dentist would like to talk about some water facts you may be… Read more »