Category: Children’s Dentistry

Your Riverside Children’s Dentist: Bad Breath

Are you worried because your child has bad breath but you cannot seem to do anything to make it fresh again? Rest assured, this is a common concern and we are here to help. Your Riverside children’s dentist will explain causes of bad breath, how to combat it, and what to do when your efforts… Read more »

Riverside Dentist Offers Tips On Cavity Prevention For Kids

Children, like adults, can develop cavities due to poor oral hygiene and a diet high in sugary foods and drinks. Tooth decay can lead to discomfort and a higher risk of infections and other complications. Knowing what to do to avoid tooth decay is important, especially around the holidays when candy and sugary treats become… Read more »

Temecula Dentist: How To Protect Little Smiles

On Thursday, will you and your family be joining others to celebrate Thanksgiving? If so, we hope you have a great time and enjoy lots of fun conversation and food. However, the sugary desserts and starchy foods can pose a serious risk of decay to you and especially to your children. How do you protect… Read more »

Your Riverside Children’s Dentist Answers Baby Teeth Questions

When you start asking yourself questions about your child’s smile, it’s a good time to stop and come in for a visit. We suggest that you seek answers about children’s dentistry topics from your Riverside children’s dentist! As a result, you won’t come across a variety of mixed information (possibly from the Internet or friends)… Read more »

Your Corona Dentist Talks: Fluoride Details

When you begin learning about oral health guidelines within children’s dentistry, you may discover that there are some very simple and effective ways of protecting your kids’ smiles and your own smile. As a result, you will also discover that fluoride is essential for growing smiles (as well as for mom and dad). To help clarify some details… Read more »

3 Good Questions For Your Riverside Children’s Dentist

Do you feel like you’re full of questions during the months when you’re home brushing and flossing with your child? Then, the moment you bring your little one in for a visit with your Riverside children’s dentist, the inquiries magically disappear from your mind? Your every attempt to access them continues to fail until you’re… Read more »

Top 3 Candies For Your Child To Avoid On Halloween

Have you been wondering about whether you should let your child simply have a free-for-all with the candies he or she has collected on Halloween night? Or, are there some candies that are more potentially damaging to your child’s dental health than others? While all candy brings its fair share of danger to teeth and… Read more »

Your Children’s Dentist Talks: Sealants

Do you have some questions for your children’s dentist about dental sealants? Are you doing your best to ask around and to search online for answers about sealants and keeping your child’s smile in excellent condition (but you find that getting a consistent, reliable answer is nearly impossible)? As you know, we will always recommend… Read more »