Category: General Dentistry

Why Tooth Decay is Worrisome

Everything you (hopefully) learned as a child about preventing cavities still holds true. However, by the time they become adults, many people forget some of those lessons, like not snacking too often, and cavities remain the most common dental health issue. The reason they’re worrisome is because, when left untreated, a cavity (or hole) can… Read more »

The Thing About Teeth-Grinding

You won’t notice it immediately, but if you constantly grind your teeth, then eventually, the friction and pressure can damage your teeth and exhaust the jaws that move them. The thing about teeth-grinding, however, is that patients who do it dangerously often typically do so in their sleep, and therefore aren’t aware of it until… Read more »

The Incredibly Easy Guide to Choosing the Right Mouthwash

A trip down the dental care aisle used to be easy, with just a few brands and not nearly so many varieties to choose from. These days, even picking out a mouthwash can seem like a monumental task, especially if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. To help you make the right choice… Read more »

Battling the Shockingly Painful Canker Sore

” is a laymen’s term for the clinical one: aphthous ulcers. Many people are afflicted with a canker sore here and there. Others end up dealing with the often shockingly painful little lesions on a chronic basis. Causes of canker sores are often debated, but the fact remains that if you harbor frequent painful bumps… Read more »

Is there a Halloween Candy Shortage?

is actually potentially good for your dental health. Rising Prices Angus Kennedy once worked as a chocolate taster for candy manufacturers in England. How does that sound for a fun job? “People are prepared to pay 70 pounds ($113) per kilogram (2.2 pounds) for chocolate,” says Kennedy. He predicts a noticeable shortage of cocoa beans… Read more »

Importance of Sleep for Happy Students

in American culture don’t only befall the middle-aged and older. Many young people find themselves dealing with sleep issues and conditions. Poor sleep can affect an adult’s job performance, so the same can certainly be true of a child’s school performance, concentration, and grades. The way someone does throughout their education can potentially set them… Read more »

Don’t Snooze through this Sleep Apnea Quiz

Have you been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or do you suspect you might be in need of a sleep study to see if your breathing is stopping throughout the night? The Riverside dentists at Riverside Dental Group can improve your knowledge about sleep apnea and help you determine whether you should schedule a consultation for diagnosis… Read more »

On Halloween Night, No Sweets Before Bed

Halloween is just 10 days away, and you may be gearing up for a long trick-or-treating session with your kids. Not only are your kids likely to go on a massive sugar binge on October 31st, but parents have been known to take a little “candy tax” of their own. Bringing back fond memories of… Read more »

Is your Snoring Affecting your Marriage?

Most people have irritating habits. If you are married, you have probably annoyed your spouse a time or to, especially if that habit happens when you are sleeping. Many marriage partners struggle to sleep while their spouses happily snore away right next to them. Surprisingly, there can be a dental fix to the issue of… Read more »