Feel Confident In Your Smile With Veneers

Riverside, CA, dentist offers porcelain veneers

Your smile has a huge effect on your confidence and self-esteem. If you have concerns about the appearance of your smile, the team at Riverside Dental in California is here to help. We offer several cosmetic treatments that can correct the appearance of stains, blemishes, or other imperfections. One of these methods is porcelain veneers, which use tooth-shaped shells to disguise flaws and create a more uniform appearance. Today, we’ll explain what you can expect from this enhancement.


Bonding And Contouring Helps You Reach Your Smile Goals

Riverside, CA, dentist offers bonding and contouring services

Your smile is one of your most prominent features. An attractive one can leave good impressions on others, make you seem friendlier, and can boost your self-esteem. If you have several flaws on your pearly whites, you may not feel absolutely confident in your appearance. Your Riverside, CA, dental group offers cosmetic enhancements that can improve your look. Today, we’ll be talking about bonding and contouring, which is a more conservative approach to esthetic improvements in dentistry.


How You Can Keep Your Gums Healthy

Riverside, CA, dentist offers periodontal services

Have you noticed that your gums bleed when you floss? If they are red, swollen, or sensitive, it could be a sign of gingivitis or possibly a more advanced stage of periodontal disease. When this infection is left untreated, it can pose a threat to your oral health. Your Riverside, CA, dental group offers periodontal care that can help you manage the infection and protect your health. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss how to prevent gingivitis, and what to do if you experience symptoms of it.


Are You Up To Date On Dental Checkups?

dental checkups riverside caDid you know that you are supposed to see the dentist at least twice each year for a dental checkup? If it has been a while since the last time that you were in the office for a cleaning and examination, take the time to meet with our team. Your semiannual dental checkups are your opportunity to check in with your oral health provider, and that makes them a great way to stay healthy. Some people require an accelerated schedule of care, so check with your dentist and then be sure to stick to your schedule.

With our team of oral health experts at Riverside Dental Group in Riverside, California, you can keep the focus on maintaining a healthy smile with consistent checkups from a trusted provider. We understand that time can slip away from us all, and we also know the importance of quality oral healthcare. If you have let your appointments pass, talk to our team about making your way back to a positive path in your dentistry. To find out more or to schedule your next appointment, reach out to our front office today!


Renew Your Smile After Tooth Loss

renew your smile riverside caIf you are struggling with missing teeth or a smile that is starting to fail, talk to our team about the advantages of dental implants. With this method, your provider places a sturdy titanium rod within the bone tissue of your jaw, and amazingly, your immune system accepts it as if it were part of your own body. This process allows for a strong connection between your jaw and your new prosthetic, helping you to renew your smile with a prosthodontic solution that you can trust when chewing and speaking.

With our team of caring and understanding prosthodontic professionals at Riverside Dental Group in Corona, CA, you can move forward after an instance of tooth loss with the help of a biocompatible solution. Dental implants work alongside your body, giving you a smile repair that is designed to last. This approach can be helpful for those missing a single tooth, and it can also be effective in finding a replacement for a full set of teeth through implant-retained dentures, also known at all-on-four. To find out more about the benefits of dental implant technology, give us a call and schedule a time to talk further about replacing your missing teeth with a sturdy biocompatible implant restoration!


Which Teeth Whitening Treatment Is Right For You?

teeth whitening treatment riverside caWhen you want to achieve a brighter smile, make sure that you talk with your dentist about making any changes. Overbleaching your enamel can lead to dentin sensitivity, which is a lasting condition that can affect you on a daily basis, so you want to know that you are taking safe and effective steps in lifting the shade of your smile. Even with all of the available over-the-counter whitening products out there, it is important to work alongside your trusted dental provider to find a course of teeth whitening treatment that is right for you and your smile’s needs.


Pro-Form Mouthguards Protect Your Smile

Riverside, CA, dentist offers mouthguards

Playing contact sports is a great way to exercise and have fun. When playing contact games like soccer, hockey, football, or others, it’s important that you take care to protect your teeth and jaw. Accidental bumps, hits, and tackles can lead to traumatic dental injuries if your smile is not protected. That’s why your Riverside, CA, dental group offers pro-form mouthguards. This simple tool can help shield your teeth, gums, and tongue from traumatic injuries.


Look Out For Signs Of Bruxism And TMJ

Riverside, CA, dentist offers treatment for tmj and bruxism

Your dentist can help treat a variety of problems, from tooth decay to TMJ dysfunction. Conditions like temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) and bruxism can often be hard to notice on your own. Today, your Riverside Dental Group in California discusses common side effects that could be caused by these conditions. Identifying these concerns can help your team diagnose and treat the disorders before your oral health is seriously harmed.
