at Riverside Dental Group offer you a fun way to learn more about dental implants through this true-or-false quiz.


Q1. True or false –Dental implants are made out of titanium.

Q2. True or false – Partial or full traditional dentures are attached to the implant posts for a complete implant retained denture.

Q3. True or false – Dental implants are almost as sturdy as natural teeth.

Q4. True or false – Traditional dentures can become ill-fitting over time.


A1. TRUE – Dental implants involve titanium posts which porcelain prosthetics are attached to. The posts act as root replacements, and they are inserted directly through your gums and into your jawbone. The titanium is biocompatible so that your new dental implants provide cosmetic and restorative functionality without being rejected by your body.

A2. FALSE – Traditional dentures sit on top of gum tissue, so while they may look great, they can lack in chewing satisfaction. They also might lead to a condition called facial collapse because your body stops sending nutrients to a jawbone that has no root attachment. Dental implants provide an attachment point for dental crowns to combine function and aesthetics.

A3. FALSE – Among the advantages of dental implants are strength and convenience. In fact, your dental implants are probably a bit stronger than natural teeth at their healthiest.

A4. TRUE –Due to the aforementioned nutrient deficiencies to the jawbone when teeth are missing, dentures can become loose. You might require adjustment, or even need replacement dentures over time. On the other hand, tis will not be an issue with dental implants.

Visit your Riverside Dentists

Are you interested in a dental implant consultation? For more information about the services we offer, or to reserve an appointment at Dental Associates of Riverside, call (951) 369-1001.