Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? If you would like to enjoy 2015 with a brighter, more beautiful smile, then consider . We have the treatments necessary to address common dental imperfections. You can obtain the stunning results you desire.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry

Question: How do I combat discoloration?

Answer: To reduce the appearance of teeth stains, you should maintain good oral hygiene. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing at least once. You should also have your teeth cleaned about twice a year. Finally, reduce the consumption of drinks that contain dark pigments, such as coffee, tea, soda, and red wine.

Question: Can I receive professional teeth whitening?

Answer: Yes. We actually offer two forms of professional whitening. Zoom! Whitening erases stains in about an hour. We coat the teeth in a powerful bleaching gel, which we activate with a special light. At-home brightening involves wearing a custom-made tray filled with a bleaching solution each day for a set amount of time. In about one to two weeks, you can receive optimal results.

Question: How do porcelain veneers work?

Answer: With veneers, we place a shell of porcelain over the front of a tooth. The veneers instantly rejuvenate the appearance of your teeth. The material is lifelike and stain resistant, offering decades of quality restoration. This option masks teeth stains that may be difficult to remove with traditional whitening, such as those caused by medication or injury.

Question: Can dental bonding erase teeth stains?

Answer: With dental bonding, we can mask discoloration by coating the teeth in a composite material. We use the same material used in tooth-colored fillings. The entire bonding procedure can be completed in a single visit. If you have any questions, please contact out office today.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.