If you lack confidence in your smile, it can be difficult to feel comfortable smiling when you meet new people, or when posing for pictures. As a result, you can feel cut off in social situations, and generally unhappy with how you interact with the people around you. Unfortunately, people who feel unhappy with the way they look can be reluctant to look into cosmetic dentistry because they feel their ideal smile is either out of reach, or only attainable through a long and involved process. What you should know is that your Moreno Valley, CA dentist can help you see exciting smile improvements through the placement of veneers on problem teeth. In just one treatment, you can potentially address all of the flaws that have made you so dissatisfied with the way you look.

You Can Address Several Flaws With One Cosmetic Procedure

Will porcelain veneers be effective at addressing your smile concerns? How much work will you need to undergo after you receive veneers? These custom shells are effective at covering up multiple flaws, so they are often the only cosmetic treatment patients need to address everything they feel is wrong with their smile. Once in place, veneers can help you restore teeth that are damaged, appear misshapen, or suffer from discoloration. Your dentist can even help you hide problems with poor dental alignment with veneers!

What To Expect When Veneers Are Placed

Unlike dental crowns, which completely cover a tooth, veneers only have to take up space on the fronts of teeth. Because of this, less preparatory work is needed to make space for these cosmetic restorations. When you plan cosmetic work with veneers, you will schedule an initial appointment so your dentist can take measurements of your teeth, and provide work to make space for them when they are ready. Once your veneers have been constructed, you can return to have them set in place via a permanent bonding process.

How Can I Maintain Smile Improvements After Treatment?

If you have veneers placed, undergo a teeth whitening treatment, or go through any procedure to improve your smile or oral health, you should take an interest in preserving the results of your treatment. At every routine dental exam, your dentist can check up on your smile to confirm that your veneers are still in good shape. Be careful to limit your intake of drinks that might leave teeth stains, and consider moving to a non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid scuffing your restorations.

Your Moreno Valley, CA Dentist Can Help You Improve Your Smile With Veneers

At our Moreno Valley, CA dentist’s office, patients who want to do something about conspicuous smile flaws can be excited to learn about porcelain veneers! If you have questions about these restorations, or want to know about any of our other treatments, you can contact our office, or the location nearest you, at the following:

Riverside Dental Group at Magnolia in Riverside, CA at (951) 689-5031.

Dental Associates of Moreno Valley in Moreno Valley, CA at (951) 697-6800.

Riverside Dental Group at Woodcrest in Riverside, CA at (951) 776-9001.

Oasis Family Dental in Temecula, CA at (951) 695-2290.

Dental Associates of Riverside in Riverside, CA at (951) 369-1001.

Dental Associates of Corona in Corona, CA at (951) 273-9580.