Sure, your tooth hurts, but does that mean you have to talk to your dentist? Is it impossible to think that the issue may go away on its own? If your aching tooth is connected to problems with sinus pressure, it could be a temporary concern. However, if you believe the issue might be connected to a problem with your oral health, you should be aware that ignoring the matter can have consequences. If you are in pain because of an infection, the damage will continue as bacteria harm the living tissues in your tooth. Over time, those bacteria will spread and move through your tooth’s root, ultimately causing irreversible harm and leading to the spread of microbes to other areas of your body! Our Moreno Valley, CA dentist’s office is prepared to restore the health of a tooth affected by this issue. If the matter feels urgent, we do offer emergency dental treatments!

That Aching Tooth May Be Infected!

If your tooth might be infected, you should take the matter seriously. An infection occurs when bacteria are able to move through your enamel and dentin, and begin attacking the inner chamber of a tooth. This can occur when a cavity has formed and is not caught in time, or when an injury occurs. An injury that causes internal harm may damage the interior of your tooth without causing visible damage. It is important to recognize how concerning this is for your oral health. Bacteria will be able to leave the tooth over time, and there can come a point where the tooth is too badly damaged to be saved.

How Is A Problem That Causes A Toothache Treated?

If you are struggling with tooth pain due to an infection or internal damage, our practice can help you by providing a root canal treatment. Root canals are performed in order to clear out damaged tissues and bacteria from within a tooth. Once this is done, the pulp is sealed so that it remains safe against further trouble. Once you have this done, a dental crown can be placed for lasting support.

Reasons To Feel Calm And Confident When Arranging Treatment

If you are scheduling treatment for a toothache, there are several reasons to feel confident and calm when you sit back in the dentist’s chair. One thing to remember is that by removing the infected tissues, your dentist will put a stop to your discomfort. Another is that a custom dental crown can be made to imitate a healthy tooth, which means this work can be done without negatively affecting your smile!

Our Moreno Valley, CA Dentist’s Office Is Ready To Address Your Toothache

At our Moreno Valley, CA dentist’s office, patients affected by a potential tooth infection can count on prompt, thorough care! To find out more, or to reach one of our other locations, please call us at the following:

Dental Associates of Moreno Valley in Moreno Valley, CA at (951) 697-6800.

Riverside Dental Group at Magnolia in Riverside, CA at (951) 689-5031.

Riverside Dental Group at Woodcrest in Riverside, CA at (951) 776-9001.

Oasis Family Dental in Temecula, CA at (951) 695-2290.

Dental Associates of Riverside in Riverside, CA at (951) 369-1001.

Dental Associates of Corona in Corona, CA at (951) 273-9580.