Is there cause for alarm when you have several teeth that require restorative dental treatment? You should worry about your oral health in this situation. After all, any issues that you have with cavities or physical damage leave you with permanent harm to your tooth structure. If multiple teeth need attention from your Temecula, CA dentist, it will take several restorations to fully protect your smile. With that said, our practice has experience working with patients under these circumstances. We can walk you through our recommendations for fully restoring your smile, and we can make plans to restore your oral health as well as your appearance! (more…)
Restoring Your Smile After Dealing With Teeth Grinding
Until you put a stop to problems with bruxism, or habitual teeth grinding, you can experience chronic pain, suffer wear and tear on your teeth, and even run the risk of significant dental damage! Fortunately, your Riverside, CA dentist can protect your smile by providing an oral guard to protect your teeth while you sleep. When in place, the guard stops you from unconsciously grinding or clenching your teeth. While this stops bruxism from doing more harm to your smile, you may feel self-conscious about wear and tear that has already occurred. To deal with this issue, you can look into cosmetic dental work to make your smile appear healthier and more youthful. If necessary, we can recommend the placement of a dental crown to restore a tooth that is in poor health because of advanced damage. (more…)
Reasons To Discuss Teeth Whitening At The Dentist’s Office
You may be tired of the dull appearance of your teeth, but what can you do to resolve this issue effectively? By picking up a store bought whitening kit, you can fight the accumulation of recent stains, but you can remain unhappy with your appearance because your treatment fails to remove deeper stains. Talking to your Corona, CA dentist can give you helpful information about professional cosmetic dental work. We offer two different approaches to your smile improvement. We can send you home with a custom whitening kit, or we can provide whitening treatment in our office to resolve the problems you have with your appearance in just one day! (more…)
Should You Look Into Root Canal Therapy For A Toothache?
How alarming is a problem with a toothache? This is not an issue that you should take lightly. If your tooth continues to hurt for an extended period of time, the reason could be an untreated cavity or physical injury that has worsened and led to a tooth infection! Infections are a concern because they can lead to the spread of bacteria through the tooth to other parts of your body. The pain can continue to affect your quality of life, and eventually the internal damage can become serious enough to make tooth extraction necessary. Our Moreno Valley, CA dentist’s office is prepared to help you if you think you have an infection that needs to be treated. With root canal therapy, we can deal directly with the spreading bacteria and remove damaged tissues and harmful microbes. (more…)
How Do I Convince My Kids To Take Smile Care Seriously?
As the holidays near, you and your family can look forward to fun activities that involve more than a few seasonal treats. Because of this, it can be an especially important time to make sure your kids know how important it is for them to protect their teeth from problems like tooth decay. Are your children putting enough time and effort into cleaning their teeth? Are they mindful of the problems that decay can cause? One benefit to regular pediatric dental exams is that it gives your dentist time to help your kids learn the value of a healthy smile. At our Riverside, CA dentist’s office, we can provide important guidance and preventive services to your kids, just as we can continue to protect your smile against threats like tooth decay and gum disease! (more…)
Orthodontic Work Can Raise Your Confidence In Your Smile
How you feel about your smile can affect your overall confidence, and it can change how comfortable you are in social settings. If your issues with poor smile alignment are making you self-conscious, know that your Riverside, CA dentist’s office can help! We are ready to sit down with you and discuss the benefits of orthodontic work. If you have gaps or overlaps between teeth that require correction, we can make a plan to straighten teeth and give you a renewed comfort with the way you look. In some cases, mild issues with gaps and overlaps can be addressed through cosmetic dental work. (more…)
Regular Dental Checkups Will Help You Preserve Your Smile
What does your current smile care routine look like? Are you doing enough each day to make sure that you have no problems with tooth decay or gum disease? The unfortunate reality is that many people who believe they are taking effective care of their teeth will learn that they need work done on a tooth because of a cavity, or that they have issues with gum disease that must be addressed. To make sure your smile remains healthy, be consistent with regular dental exams. A visit every six months to your Temecula, CA dentist’s office can give you important feedback about your dental well-being. It will also help you because you will receive routine cleanings that remove harmful tartar deposits before they cause trouble for you! (more…)
A Bonding Treatment Can Change The Look Of A Jagged Tooth
Is a jagged tooth sticking out in your smile? Many people have issues with teeth that are naturally misshapen, and others will be bothered by the appearance of a tooth that looks jagged after an injury. One tooth that stands out from its neighbors can attract unwanted attention. It can also stop you from showing off a symmetrical smile, leaving you self-conscious about your appearance. To fix this issue, our Corona, CA dentist’s office can recommend tooth bonding and contouring treatment. This cosmetic dental procedure takes a conservative approach to changing a tooth’s shape and size. With careful modifications, your tooth can have its size and shape corrected so that it no longer appears jagged or uneven. Because this work does not make the placement of a custom restoration necessary, it can fit into a single procedure! (more…)
How Can I Tell If My Tooth Is Infected?
If you think your tooth might be infected, you should bring the matter to your dentist’s attention as soon as possible. When an infection is not treated in time, bacteria can travel through the roots of that tooth to create new problems elsewhere. In time, the health of your tooth can deteriorate to the point where it must be extracted. At our Riverside, CA dentist’s office, we can determine if an infection has formed, and we can also recommend the appropriate endodontic treatment to save the tooth from being lost. Remember that the sooner you seek care, the sooner you can have work done to stop a tooth’s condition from worsening! (more…)
How Veneers Are Used To Restore Chipped Teeth
The chipping of your teeth can occur gradually, or it can be a problem that develops suddenly after an injury. If you feel that your teeth look misshapen or unhealthy because of damage, you can be eager to fix the problem but unsure of what treatment will actually require. Our Moreno Valley, CA dentist’s office is prepared to help you if you want to do something about chipping. Through the placement of porcelain veneers, we can positively change the shape and size of teeth, and make them appear more attractive generally. Once this work is done, you can show off a smile that makes you appear younger, healthier, and more confident! (more…)
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