You might have a general idea of what Invisalign treatment involves, but feel unsure of whether it can actually help you show off the smile improvements you are looking for. You can also have questions about whether it is as easy to adjust to life with Invisalign appliances as it appears. It can be hard to move forward with a treatment, even one that seems to benefit you, without learning more. At our Riverside, CA dentist’s office, we can provide an evaluation of your teeth and bite to see if Invisalign might be an effective way of fixing problems with poor tooth alignment. If so, we can talk with you about what your individual treatment experience might involve, and what to expect from your adjustment. (more…)
Addressing Multiple Oral Health Issues With Your Dentist
Our Riverside, CA dentist’s office regularly sees patients who count on us to protect them from different oral health issues like tooth decay and gum disease. Those who make a consistent habit out of routine dental exams can lower their risk for problems, and they can also make sure that any issues that develop are promptly dealt with before there are complications that have to be contended with. With that said, we are prepared to help individuals who need multiple restorative dental procedures to regain a healthy smile. We can make a plan to treat all of the problems that currently affect you, and can even perform advanced services to address serious problems like tooth infections or tooth loss. (more…)
How Alarmed Should I Be If My Child Has A Cavity?
Until they are old enough to do it for themselves, children need their parents’ help with keeping their teeth clean. By taking care of their teeth at home, and bringing them in for regular pediatric dental exams, you can lower your child’s risk for tooth decay. Unfortunately, cavities do form and affect the oral health of younger patients sometimes. At our Temecula, CA dentist’s office, we are prepared to carefully restore children’s teeth when they need work done for decay. By promptly dealing with the problem, we can protect them against potential complications that can affect their smile in the long term. (more…)
What Can Take Place During An Emergency Dental Visit?
We understand that no one wants to schedule an emergency dental procedure. With that said, it can be reassuring to know that you have access to care on short notice if you experience a problem that makes a visit to your dentist a priority. At our Corona, CA dentist’s office, we are ready to deal with an infection or injury that makes treatment necessary on short notice. If it is, we can bring you in promptly to see what has happened to your tooth and what kind of restorative dental work is needed to send you away with a healthy smile. (more…)
Discover What Your Dentist Can Do To Improve Your Smile
Sure, you can count on your dentist to fix problems with your oral health, but what can you expect them to offer if you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile? In addition to restoring teeth affected by cavities and damages, we can offer cosmetic dental services to deal with problems that hurt your appearance while not actually impacting your health. Through the right services, we can make your teeth brighter, hide gaps and overlaps between them, and even improve their overall shape and size. You can find that our Riverside, CA dentist’s office is able to offer these services while making minimal changes to your actual tooth structure! (more…)
3 Reasons To Treat Bruxism Like A Serious Concern
So you have a tendency to grind your teeth at night. While this problem can cause you to start most mornings with pain in your face and jaw, you may feel that it is only an inconvenience, and not something you really have to worry about. What you should know is that without treatment, this is an issue that can lead to alarming consequences! If too much time passes without treatment, your teeth can start to look worn down from frequent grinding. You can also suffer chips and cracks in your enamel that require restorative dental work! At our Moreno Valley, CA dentist’s office, patients who are affected by this problem, known as bruxism, can receive support before they have to worry about permanent dental damage or painful issues with TMJ disorder. (more…)
What Makes A Person Vulnerable To Gum Disease?
If you want to make sure your smile is truly safe from oral health threats, you should think about your risk for gum disease. Through brushing and flossing, we fight the buildup of bacteria that can cause cavities as well as those that can cause gingivitis. Unfortunately, many people fail to give their gum line the appropriate attention when cleaning their teeth, which can lead to the buildup of microbes that infiltrate these tissues and cause infections. At our Riverside, CA dentist’s office, we watch for signs of gum disease during routine dental checkups. If they are found, we will assess their severity and let you know what can be done to return your gums to good health! (more…)
Tell Your Dentist About A Toothache Or Sensitivity Issues
Patients are sometimes surprised by the news that they have a cavity that needs to be treated. This is because dental decay can be identified during a dental checkup even before it starts to cause uncomfortable symptoms. If you already have problems with tooth pain, or if you have a tooth that is unusually sensitive, it can be a sign that a problem is growing serious and requires prompt care. Our Riverside, CA dentist’s office is ready to evaluate a tooth that is making you uncomfortable. Proper treatment may call for root canal therapy, which is used to address problems with infection that can occur when a cavity has moved through a tooth’s enamel. (more…)
Treatment Options For Patients With Crooked Teeth
Patients who have problems with malocclusion can fixate on the effect poor smile alignment has on their appearance, but overlook the effect this condition has on their oral health. Problems with poorly aligned teeth can make you more likely to develop a teeth grinding habit and problems with TMJ disorder. It can also interfere with your efforts to keep your teeth clean. Instead of trying to tolerate life with a crooked smile, you can meet with your Temecula, CA dentist and learn what your options are regarding orthodontic treatment! As you discuss what procedures are available, you can learn that discreet alternatives to traditional braces are effective at fixing poorly aligned teeth while making your experience surprisingly easy to adapt to! (more…)
Discussing TMJ Disorder And Treatment During A Checkup
When your dentist looks at your smile during a routine evaluation, what are they really looking for? It may come as no surprise that these routine visits are an opportunity to check you for signs of dental decay, but cavities are not the only matter we watch for. While evaluating you, your dentist will look for any signs of oral health issues that should be addressed. One issue we watch for is TMJ disorder. There are several reasons a person can start to struggle with this issue. Once they are identified, we can determine if restorative dental work is needed to resolve the cause of the issue, and we can provide a custom oral appliance to ease tension on your jaw joints and muscles. (more…)
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