Your Moreno Valley Dentist Gives Filling Reminders

Your Moreno Valley dentist likes to provide you with reminders that help you with your oral health, as you may have noticed. Today, the topic is dental fillings! While you may already have a general understanding of fillings, such as the fact that they are usually suggested when you have a dental cavity, there are additional concerns to keep in mind. The more knowledge you gather up as it pertains to restorative care, the easier it will be to receive repairs and to maintain them to protect your grin for life!


How to Know if Veneers Will Work for You

When you need to improve your smile, you may be pleasantly surprised to learn that doing so can be much simpler than you realized with the help of porcelain veneers. The highly lifelike shells of porcelain can create a brand new, blemish-free appearance with minimal effort compared to receiving multiple treatments. However, before recommending veneers, your dentist will first make sure that they’re the optimal solution for your smile’s needs. Today, we help you decide if they may be a good idea by examining how veneers most commonly improve people’s smiles. (more…)

Your Temecula Dentist Talks: Tori!

Your Temecula dentist reminds you that we have seen and heard about nearly any oral health concern you can imagine. As a result, when you come to us stating that you have bumps beneath your tongue and you feel shaken up, we will likely quickly tell you that it’s nothing to worry about. But how can that be? you may ask yourself. Well, if what you’re looking at is something we refer to as tori, it’s because this is an absolutely A-OK, it’s-not-going-to-harm your smile thing that happens to some patients but not to others. Since you’re probably looking for a bit more reassurance than that, let’s delve into some facts!


Your Corona Dentist Talks: Cavity Stuff You Don’t Realize

There are some things that you just know when it comes to cavities. You know they’re not great. You know that they tend to show up because you need to take better care of your teeth (or avoid something like too many sodas). However, your Corona dentist reminds you that you may not know as much as you think you do when it comes to treatment options and how to deal with decay. Allow us to fill you in with some new knowledge that may give you clearer insight into this easy to avoid, easy to treat problem.


Consultations With Your Riverside Dentist: What Are They Good For?

You may notice that we frequently suggest you schedule a consultation with your Riverside dentist. This sounds nice, of course, because it gives you a starting point that will help you get going with the care or treatment you require. However, you may not really know why we suggest a consultation rather than a checkup, what to expect, why this is such a good idea in many instances, and more. We’d love to offer some guidance, further explaining not simply that you should set up such visits but just what makes them so beneficial for you.


Your Riverside Children’s Dentist Explains: Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip Checkups

Your kids seem quite resilient because they are! However, they’re also tiny humans for whom oral health problems are just as possible as they are for mom and dad. So, what to do when your schedule becomes quite jammed up and you think that your kids will fare just fine if you skip their checkups this one time? As far as your Riverside children’s dentist is concerned, it’s time to consider some suggestions and schedule that visit!


Your Riverside Dentist Talks: Old Dental Work

Do you happen to have some old dental work in your smile that seems to have stood the test of time? Perhaps you have a crown or filling that’s been in place for just a few years but, since you haven’t noticed any problems, you’ve assumed it’s A-OK (and it’s been a while since your last visit). Your Riverside dentist would like to review what to make of work that’s already been performed in your mouth by reminding you that just like your natural tissues, it also needs monitoring, may require future work, and is something that needs daily care and protection! Keep your oral health safe with reminders.


Your Sort-Of-Misaligned Smile: Your Temecula Dentist Helps

What’s your smile look like? Are you one of those patients whose smile is sort of misaligned but not so crooked, spaced, or otherwise that you need braces? Where does that leave you, you wonder? Are you without options for achieving a beautiful smile that’s straight and appealing? Are you going to have to just go through a full course of metal braces even though you don’t actually require them? Your Temecula dentist has answers!


Talk To Your Corona Dentist About: Sensitivity

There are times in your life when dental sensitivity may show up. You may immediately recognize what the problem is. Or, you may feel like you have no idea where to begin. The thing you’ll be happy to hear is that when sensitivity makes itself known, you can immediately seek help from your Corona dentist, who can help you figure out the why behind the discomfort and what to do about it. In the meantime, we know you’re curious about some possible causes and are glad to talk about them.
