Before you become frantic and call us in a frenzy, remember that when it comes to your child’s toothache, it’s always to your benefit to first ask your child some important questions. By establishing a clear understanding of what’s happening with your child’s oral health, how we can help, and how you can assist your child in attaining relief, it’s much easier to promote and maintain a calm situation. This will help you feel relaxed, help us set up just what you need, and help your kiddo recognize that dental care is nothing to get upset about! We’re always here to help.
Thanksgiving Reminders: Dealing With Your Braces!
When you visualize yourself sitting down to an exquisite Thanksgiving dinner with a table full of the dishes you dream about all year long, your first thought isn’t about which foods you can and cannot eat without getting food stuck in your braces. However, this thought pops up quite quickly and leaves you wondering how you can make it through this otherwise lovely feast without any problems. We’ve got you covered!
Your Corona Dentist Says: Treat Your Smile Gently
We know that you have a pretty solid understanding of how to care for your smile, so that it looks nice, so it stays healthy, and so you can primarily rely on us for preventive care (without needing much restorative care). However, we also know that telling you to “brush two times a day” does not always come with the extended version of information you need to do so correctly and safely. Today, your Corona dentist would like to discuss some ways you can ensure you’re treating your smile gently, so you’re not getting your oral health into any trouble!
Your Riverside Dentist Asks: How’s Your Toothpaste Experience?
You’re not necessarily going to love the first toothpaste you purchase. Or, you may find that you like certain aspects of your toothpaste but not all of them. How to sort out your dental hygiene, so you can brush without cringing or feeling a wee bit angry toward the products you’re using? How to ensure you’re using something that’s actually beneficial for your entire smile? If you weren’t already guessing at this, the answer is: Ask us! Your Riverside dentist can help you identify excellent products.
Moreno Valley Dentist Discusses: Your Holiday Smile!
How would you describe your smile right now to your Moreno Valley dentist? Would you say it’s ready for some holiday fun? Might you report that it’s not looking so fantastic? Perhaps you would dart out of the room because you haven’t been in to see us for quite a while. Whatever the case, your dentist wants to help! Consider how a visit to our practice will boost your confidence and possibly your smile health for the coming months.
Your Riverside Children’s Dentist Talks: 2 Times Sealants Are Working
You might not think much about your child’s dental sealants throughout the day. You know that we encourage you to choose them for your son or daughter because they can help keep your little one from experiencing cavities, which is a wonderful thing! For a better, daily view of how sealants are working every second to keep teeth safe, your Riverside children’s dentist asks you to keep some things in mind.
Your Riverside Dentist Helps With: Unique Stains
Do you have unique stains on your smile? If you’re nodding your head, then you are probably already aware that traditional teeth whitening is not going to cut it for your current needs. If you’re unsure, then it’s time that you come see us for a consultation! Now, about the problems you’re faced with. We would like to remind you that even though you may think there’s no help for your type of esthetic concern, that is absolutely not the case! Your Riverside dentist offers a variety of options to ensure we can help you with whatever your smile improvement goals include.
Your Temecula Dentist’s Quiz: Bedtime Habits!
Your Temecula dentist knows that your bedtime habits might need some help. Is this true? Would you say that your morning and evening smile health routines are running like well-oiled machines? Or, would you say that you’ve got a few kinks to iron out before everything is nice and streamlined? If it’s the latter, we’re pleased to present to you one very delightful quiz.
Your Corona Dentist Asks: Sick Of Dental Hygiene?
Are you just feeling sick of dental hygiene lately? Are you typically fine with going through the motions of brushing flossing every day? However, in recent days, you have felt like just throwing in the towel and only performing these essential oral health tasks when you feel like it? We know. Sometimes even the littlest tasks can begin to feel like a not-very-welcoming routine. Fortunately, your Corona dentist can help with some recommendations that will put some pep back into your routine.
Your Children’s Dentist Suggests: A Halloween Checklist
Are you ready for Halloween? Have you been wondering beyond the already obvious details (like not going overboard on the sugar consumption) if there’s anything you should do to make tonight and all Halloweens that follow a very safe and enjoyable experience for your little ones? Lucky for you, your children’s dentist suggests you take a quick checklist into consideration that you can go over with your children. It will help a lot!
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