Your Riverside Dentist Talks: Morning Sickness

Are you extremely excited that you are expecting a little bundle of joy but you are not enjoying the morning sickness that’s coming along with it? If so, you may discover that piled on top of your bouts of nausea is the uncertainty regarding how you should be caring for your smile during this time. Fortunately, your Riverside dentist has suggestions for keeping your smile healthy even when the thought of brushing sounds very unattractive. Just a few helpful tips can make you feel positive about your oral health again.


Your Moreno Valley Dentist Talks: Insurance Benefits

When the holidays are on their way, we generally become quite wrapped up in party plans, gift buying, wish lists, and more. Unfortunately, this means it’s very easy for patients to overlook the potential end to the current year’s dental insurance benefits. Of course, this can negatively affect your ability to come in for the care you need if you need it! Allow your Moreno Valley dentist to offer some reminders, so you make the most of 2016.


Your Riverside Children’s Dentist Answers Baby Teeth Questions

When you start asking yourself questions about your child’s smile, it’s a good time to stop and come in for a visit. We suggest that you seek answers about children’s dentistry topics from your Riverside children’s dentist! As a result, you won’t come across a variety of mixed information (possibly from the Internet or friends) that can leave you confused and maybe even stressed. Remember, understanding baby teeth and smile development is quite simple, so give us a call when you’re ready for answers!


Your Corona Dentist Talks: Fluoride Details

When you begin learning about oral health guidelines within children’s dentistry, you may discover that there are some very simple and effective ways of protecting your kids’ smiles and your own smile. As a result, you will also discover that fluoride is essential for growing smiles (as well as for mom and dad). To help clarify some details on the matter, your Corona dentist provides reminders and tips to keep fluoride use just right.


Cosmetic Dentistry: Why Do I Need Professional Care?

As you make your way through life’s journey, you may take time to reflect on smile issues that have bothered you since you were a teenager or those concerns that have developed over more recent years. Whatever the problem is, you have hopefully come to the conclusion that we can help you with cosmetic dentistry. Then again, a well-meaning friend may have tried to convince you that while cosmetic treatments are what you need, you can probably perform them yourself. This suggestion, of course, is not at all accurate. To help you understand why it’s essential that you visit us for such care, we offer helpful explanations.


Your Temecula Dentist Answers Restoration Questions

When you realize it’s time to receive a restoration, you might also realize something else: You might be petrified about what your smile is going to look like after we make all of the improvements and adjustments. Fortunately, your Temecula dentist is ready to answer questions about restorations, so you can move forward feeling optimistic about your smile’s future. Keep in mind that our dental care always leads to a smile that is not only healthy but beautiful, too.


Toothache Questions: Answered

When a toothache occurs in your mouth, do you immediately feel a little bit panicked? In most instances, this reaction is due to the fact that you probably don’t know much about what the discomfort might mean or how to address the problem. Fortunately, when you feel all full of essential knowledge regarding an achy tooth, you can calmly make choices that will set your smile right again. Beginning to learn more is as easy as making your way through some questions and answers.
