Is cosmetic dentistry realistic for you, you wonder? What are the particular reasons you’re asking this question? Do you see some major roadblocks ahead that you worry will get in the way? Maybe you don’t know as much about the cosmetic details as you would like, so you’re just trying to protect yourself from disappointment if it turns out it’s not an option for you. Good news: It is an option. We can address your worries, so you understand how it can most certainly become part of your reality!
Quiz Your Dentist About Invisalign®
Wanting a straighter smile is one thing, but wanting to correct misaligned teeth without having to rely on braces is another. Fortunately, this is possible for a large number of patients, thanks to the innovation of Invisalign® clear aligners. Unlike traditional braces, which rely on brackets and wires to gently realign crooked teeth, Invisalign® relies on a series of customized aligners that guide your teeth using continuous, gentle force. To find out if you’re a good candidate and whether or not the aligners can benefit you, ask your dentist about Invisalign® during your next visit. (more…)
Your Riverside Children’s Dentist’s Quiz: Sippy Cups
Have you been wondering about sippy cups for your child? Are you curious about whether it’s okay for your kids to use them all day long, every day? Is it okay for them to tote them around? How long should they be using those cups, anyway, when they seem perfectly capable of using an adult cup to drink from? Your Riverside children’s dentist suggests a quiz to see if you’re already in the know (or to get you all caught up).
3 Things You Fail To Realize Cause Toothaches
There are some things you should probably pay attention to if you end up with a toothache. First, recognize that what you think is going on might not be what’s happening at all. Next, do yourself a favor and remember that the cause of your discomfort might not even be something that’s easy for you to conjure up quickly. The bottom line: When pain hits, it’s time to come see us. As for some of those possible causes you’re not aware of, let’s cover a few!
A Quick Beverage Review: Tips From Your Temecula Dentist
What you definitely know is that water is safe, always beneficial, and non-staining for your smile. However, when you rely on logic regarding other beverages and your oral health, you may find that what seems to be a good idea is not always very wise. How to sort out the good from the bad when your common sense isn’t necessarily going to help? Your Temecula dentist is glad to offer tips about what you should and should not sip. Remember, when in doubt, reach for H2O and ask us for advice!
Your Corona Dentist Offers: Tongue Facts
Sometimes, you just start wondering about your oral health. More specifically, you may suddenly realize that you use your tongue every day to help you speak and eat and taste foods but there are a lot of things about it you don’t really know. If you have particular questions or concerns, we are always happy to help you by answering them! Simply mention them during visits. For now, we would love to begin by offering some facts that apply to inquiries your Corona dentist frequently hears.
Chewing Problems: 2 Reasons To See Your Riverside Dentist
One day, you’re eating food and talking and everything feels as it usually does. The next, however, you may notice that you’re having chewing problems. This may present itself in a variety of ways. For instance, it might hurt when you bite into your food. It may feel weird. You may feel like there’s something in your mouth (though you don’t see anything) or you may simply find it challenging to chew. Whatever the case, there are a couple reasons you should see your Riverside dentist immediately if this issue affects you.
Protect Your Oral Health: Things To Keep At Your Work Desk
There are some items you might want to think about stocking your work desk with, so you know you’re making the best effort to protect your oral health throughout the work week. Worried we’re about to suggest some very specialized things? Think again! Your Moreno Valley dentist explains that it’s extremely easy to safeguard your grin every single day.
Your Riverside Children’s Dentist Says: Tote These Things With You
If you have children, then you are already quite experienced with carrying things with you. As you have noticed, the list of essentials that you must have on you at all times continues to evolve as your little one grows. When it comes to the dental care items you might want to have on hand, there are a few that will see your little one through into teenage-hood and beyond! Your Riverside children’s dentist has some helpful suggestions (and they just might be helpful for your smile, too!).
Anyone Can Celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month
Did you realize that February is National Children’s Dental Health Month? Do you have children? Whether or not the answer is yes, this happens to be something that anyone can celebrate! Help yourself, your spouse, your kids, your friends, and more make the most of their dental care with easy to follow suggestions for improvement.
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