3 Issues We Can Address With Custom Oral Guards

A custom-made oral guard can help you manage an active problem, prevent future troubles, or protect your smile during activities where you are more likely to suffer dental damage. While some over the counter guards are available to address different concerns, a one-size-fits-all approach can leave you feeling poorly served. Instead, tell your Temecula, CA dentist about an issue you are having that might require the use of a custom appliance. We can recommend that patients wear guards to help with nightly teeth grinding and clenching, or as a way to help address TMJ disorder. After you receive your appliance, you can start wearing it when you rest in order to reduce pain, or protect yourself against the harm done by bruxism. For people who engage in sports, we can provide custom mouthguards that can be relied on to more comfortably stay in place and keep providing protection. (more…)

We Can Help You Deal With Your Dental Emergency

While dental problems affect many people, many issues can be caught before there are any worrying complications. For example, a person who regularly sees their dentist for routine care can learn they have a problem with dental decay before a toothache makes them worry that something might be wrong. Unfortunately, some problems can arise seemingly out of nowhere, and they can call for urgent support. Our Corona, CA dentist’s office is prepared to help when oral health issues require emergency dental work. At your appointment, we will work with you to determine how we can treat the problem affecting you, and we can do so while making the preservation of your smile a priority. (more…)

Porcelain Veneers And Intrinsic Discoloration

You can find teeth whitening treatments in the aisles of your local grocery store or pharmacy, or even talk to your dentist about professional whitening treatment. For many people, these options can have benefits, but they can be less helpful if you are someone who struggles with intrinsic discoloration. This is a problem within the tooth structure. While several issues can lead to this cosmetic issue, one treatment option can consistently be effective. For many with this problem, we can recommend porcelain veneers. Your Riverside, CA dentist can provide custom restorations that hide many flaws, including flaws that affect the color of your smile. (more…)

Oral Health Tips For Teens And Young Adults

Early visits at the dentist’s office can have more long-term value for kids than you might realize. In addition to familiarizing them with professional treatment, these appointments make them more comfortable with oral health care, and give them a better understanding of how and why to take care of their teeth. At our Moreno Valley, CA dentist’s office, we can help patients of all ages protect their teeth and gums from harm. We can continue to see kids in their teen years, and even welcome them as young adults, so that we can continue to provide valuable preventive services. (more…)

Proceeding With Bonding And Contouring Treatment

How do you feel about your smile? If you have changes you would like to make, what do you think your dentist could do to help you, and how long do you think it would take to see real improvements? While many people have at least one change they would like to make to their appearance when they smile, they can assume that the results they want to see will take too much time and/or effort. At our Riverside, CA dentist’s office, we can provide results in as little as one appointment with a conservative tooth bonding and contouring procedure! This approach to care can make unsightly teeth look better by changing their shape, size, and color without making the placement of a permanent restoration necessary. (more…)

When A Severe Cavity Needs To Be Treated

Cavity treatment should be a priority even if decay is caught early. When you put off restorative work, your tooth experiences more damage, which can eventually affect how your treatment proceeds. In time, decay can expose you to a painful infection that requires root canal therapy. At our Riverside, CA dentist’s office, we can perform this procedure if necessary. We can also take care of the tooth by providing a permanent dental crown that will keep it safe. We have experience helping individuals with serious oral health concerns, including those who need to deal with multiple cavities.

How Should I Address My Issues With Malocclusion?

Many people have some concerns about the alignment of their teeth. While some can have relatively minor problems with spacing, others can have more distracting issues with gaps and overlaps that make them uncomfortable. At our Temecula, CA dentist’s office, we can provide different solutions. In addition to different aligners that rely on fixed brackets and wires to guide teeth, we can provide Invisalign aligners that help resolve your smile flaws. This work is capable of doing more than just give you a smile you are more excited to share with others. Corrective work can also benefit your oral health!

Do You Need Help Managing Your Periodontal Health?

Your periodontal health is not something that you want to ignore. Gingivitis is a common concern, one that will affect you if you do not take the right approach to preventive dental care. In time, that infection can become more severe, which can make it harder for you to preserve your dental and overall health! One big concern for people with gum disease is tooth loss. At our Corona, CA dentist’s office, we can support patients who are trying to prevent this issue from negatively impacting their quality of life. We can also provide support to those who are already trying to manage an infection. (more…)

How Pediatric Checkups Safeguard Growing Smiles

The work you put into keeping your kids safe, happy, and healthy is certainly important. What is also important is remembering that you do not have to do everything on your own. You can find that your Riverside, CA dentist is an important person when it comes to maintaining your child’s smile health. Our office is able to meet with both kids and adults to provide valuable dental services. One advantage to bringing kids in for regular checkups is that we can provide guidance as they grow older on caring for their teeth at home. This can make them less likely to have problems later in life, and more likely to take smile care seriously when they are primarily responsible for maintaining their oral health. (more…)

Is It Time To Tell Your Dentist About Your Jaw Pain?

Is it time for you to say something to your dentist about the pain you experience whenever you bite, chew, or speak? How much longer should you wait for discomfort to dissipate on its own before you make an appointment and speak about your concerns? The issue you are ignoring could be TMJ disorder, an issue with poor joint alignment and tension that can impact your well-being in several ways. The good news is that your Moreno Valley, CA dentist can help you put this problem behind you. Oral appliance therapy can ease the tension on your jaw joints and muscles that has been responsible for your discomfort. This treatment approach can also help if you have related issues with bruxism, or persistent teeth grinding. (more…)