Invisalign Can Boost Your Confidence In Your Smile

Why do some people lack confidence in their smile? Discomfort can stem from issues with discoloration, visibly damaged enamel, or a general lack of facial symmetry because of a visible flaw. One common concern is with malocclusion. This refers to issues with teeth spacing that can make a person’s smile look awkward or uneven. At our Temecula, CA dentist’s office, we can recommend treatment with Invisalign to address malocclusion and give you more confidence in your appearance! Invisalign appliances are difficult to see, and easy to remove, making this an appealing alternative to traditional orthodontic treatment. In addition to fixing smile flaws, this procedure can help you address certain oral health issues connected to dental alignment. (more…)

Preserving Your Improved Smile After Cosmetic Treatment

Through cosmetic dental work, many exciting changes can take place that give you a brighter, more youthful, and generally more attractive smile. You can take on flaws from general wear and tear, restore teeth that are chipped or cracked, brighten your smile, or take on naturally occurring issues that have affected your smile symmetry. Our Corona, CA dentist’s office offers multiple procedures to aid in your smile improvement plans. We can also help you preserve your smile after this work is complete. With the right approach to smile care after a cosmetic procedure, you can make sure that your smile improvements really last, and that your confidence boost remains! (more…)

Make Sure You Stay Informed About Your Child’s Dental Health

You have a daily responsibility to make sure your kids remain healthy and happy. When it comes to maintaining their dental health, you can be directly involved in several ways. Until they are old enough to clean their teeth on their own, you will be the one who provides protection in the form of gentle brushing and flossing. You also help them by scheduling pediatric dental exams. Once your child’s baby teeth start to arrive, our Riverside, CA dentist’s office can provide them with thorough evaluations while helping them grow comfortable in the dentist’s chair. We can provide important preventive oral health care to patients of all ages, which means we can be a convenient source of support for parents and their kids! (more…)

Zoom Whitening Notes from A Moreno Valley Dentist

As the year draws to a close, it’s natural to look back and reflect on what you did and did not get accomplished. And with the new year on the horizon, maybe you have a few resolutions for things to do differently in 2021. If the brightness of your smile is on your mind, did you know it is possible to whiten teeth safely in about one hour, in the comfortable environment of the Moreno Valley, CA, dental office? After teeth-whitening many people report a boost in confidence, feeling more comfortable in photographs, and seeing a more youthful reflection in the mirror. (more…)

3 Tips To Help You Preserve Your Periodontal Health

How healthy is your smile? To effectively answer your question, you need to think about more than just the health of your teeth. Your periodontal health is important to both your oral health and your overall well-being. Did you know that tooth loss in adults is most often caused by complications from poor periodontal health? In addition to making you more vulnerable to tooth loss, an infection can make it harder for you to manage other active health concerns. When you make regular dental visits part of your preventive care routine, you can lower your risk for problems with your gums. Our Riverside, CA dentist’s office evaluates patients’ gums during regular appointments, and when necessary we can provide care to help them resolve trouble with gingivitis. (more…)

Starting Smile Improvement Plans With Prosthetic Dental Work

When smile problems accumulate over time, the restorative dental work needed to fully address them can accumulate, too. Have you gone without oral health care for an extended length of time and now hope to address the problems you face? At our Riverside, CA dentist’s office, patients who need multiple treatments can count on us to determine what their needs are and recommend the right procedures to deliver exciting results. If your smile troubles include issues with tooth loss, we can look into beginning your care with prosthetic dental services.

Do You Make These Common Brushing Mistakes?

Too many people fail to realize that they have picked up bad brushing habits. Until they make the appropriate corrections to their routine, they are vulnerable to dental decay and gum disease! The trouble with identifying these habits is that brushing can feel so routine that you can have a hard time believing you have any problems to resolve. Your Temecula, CA dentist can identify signs of poor daily care and recommend changes during regular dental exams. Those problems include issues like tartar formation and gum disease. They also include problems like dental decay, which makes restorative dental work necessary.

TMJ Therapy Can Solve Your Problems With Chronic Jaw Pain

If you are not able to eat, speak, or yawn without feeling pain or stiffness in your jaw joints, you should be concerned that TMJ disorder is affecting your life. There is no single reason that people experience TMJ disorder. Simply put, the problem develops when your jaw joints are no longer in alignment, which can cause difficulties with uneven bite movement, stress on the joints and muscles, and difficulty with pain in your face, neck, and head. Through a trip to our Corona, CA dentist’s office, you can discover more about TMJ disorder and treatment, which can improve your quality of life by putting a stop to your issues with pain and stiffness. (more…)

Are Your Wisdom Teeth Responsible For Your Dental Pain?

Most of our secondary (adult) teeth will arrive early in life, but wisdom teeth typically take longer to erupt. Unfortunately, when these teeth do start to move into position, there can be too little space for them. In this scenario, you can experience painful teeth crowding, damage to neighboring teeth, or issues with impacted wisdom teeth that arrive at an odd angle. Typically, wisdom teeth are extracted to prevent problems with their eruption. At our Riverside, CA dentist’s office, we can actually perform oral surgery to carefully remove wisdom teeth before they create more trouble for you. To stay informed about their movement, attend regular dental exams, which will give us opportunities to study your smile and determine when your wisdom teeth need your dentist’s attention. (more…)

Emergency Dental Work Can Restore Your Smile

In some situations, waiting patiently to set up an appointment for dental care may not be recommended. If you have a problem with significant or persistent tooth pain, or if you experience a physical injury that affects your smile, it can be a good idea to schedule an emergency dental appointment. When you arrive for urgent care at our Moreno Valley, CA dentist’s office, you can count on more than just relief from active discomfort. Our approach to restorative dental work focuses on restoring a person’s smile as well as their dental well-being. What this means is that when patients have urgent oral health problems, they can receive care that fully addresses the issues that have resulted. (more…)