Category: Dental Implants

Holiday Dental Emergency: Corona Dentists Discuss

With the holidays fast approaching, a variety of dental emergencies could occur. Holiday decorations often involve stringing popcorn throughout the house. Those decorations might appear tasty, but eating popcorn from holidays passed could result in a dental emergency. The holidays can cause an increased amount of stress and anxiety. This holiday season, many patients might… Read more »

Riverside Dentist Discusses Advantages of Dental Implants

Is your smile less than perfect? If you’re suffering of tooth loss, dental implants might be a suitable solution to the problem.The causes of tooth loss can vary, as can the method by which teeth are replaced.The team at Riverside Dental Group offers a few reasons why dental implants could be right for you. Dental… Read more »

Dental Implants Explained by Riverside Dental Group Associates

More than half of Americans will have lost one or more teeth by the time they reach their middle years.The most common causes for tooth loss include gum disease, tooth decay, sports injuries, automobile collisions, and accidental falls. However, the result is always the same: that missing tooth can have an adverse impact your quality… Read more »