The Lasting Benefits Of Treatment With A Dental Bridge

Are you stuck with bite problems and a smile that makes you self-conscious after tooth loss? It may be hard to feel optimistic about your dental health and appearance after losing a tooth, but you can find that with the right prosthetic appliance you feel a renewed since of comfort with both. At our Riverside, CA dentist’s office, we can talk with patients who have experienced tooth loss about the benefits of receiving a dental bridge. A bridge can actually remain stable through the years without the need for oral surgery. What keeps the appliance in position is a pair of dental crowns on either side of the restoration that are secured over the teeth next to your smile gap. (more…)

Using A Bonding Treatment To Address Dental Imperfections

It may be a minor issue, one that does not affect your oral health at all, but a visible tooth flaw can still be a big concern for you. That one problem can draw more attention than you are comfortable with, and it can effective spoil your smile symmetry, making you less confident in your appearance overall. You can be happy to know that with a dental bonding procedure, this type of problem can be discreetly addressed so that you no longer have to feel self-conscious about the way you look. Bonding procedures do not require the placement of a restoration on a tooth, which means less work is done to modify it overall. (more…)

Are You Worried About How Braces Will Affect Your Smile?

What stops people from finally addressing issues with malocclusion? For some, the idea of wearing braces can make them too self-conscious to move forward with orthodontic treatment. What they fail to recognize is how many other options there are for an adjustment. At our Temecula, CA dentist’s office, we provide multiple treatment options for individuals who want to fix gaps, spacing issues, and other flaws. We may be able to move forward with treatment using Invisalign aligners instead of traditional bracket-and-wire braces. We also have the options of gold braces and clear braces, which are designed to attract less notice and create fewer issues with your appearance. (more…)

Sealants And Fluoride Treatment Protect Kids Against Decay

How much can you really do to keep your kids safe against tooth decay? As they age, kids will reach a point where they no longer need their parents’ help with brushing and flossing. However, even if you are not physically caring for their teeth any longer, you still need to help them remain free of potential oral health problems. Your dentist can assist you with this. At pediatric dental exams, our Corona, CA dentist’s office provides kids with thorough preventive care as well as guidance on good oral hygiene habits. At the appropriate times, we will also recommend the use of fluoride treatments and dental sealants to lower their risk for decay. These services make cavity formation less likely, which can be important for patients at an early age who are still learning about the value of smile care. (more…)

Fix Embarrassing Smile Problems With Porcelain Veneers

Your oral health is important, but it may not be the only thing standing between a person and a truly confident smile. Healthy teeth can still make you self-conscious if they look misshapen, have minor but noticeable damage, or look discolored. If you have issues with the way your teeth look, you can be eager to find a means of changing your appearance. With porcelain veneers, you can see dramatic improvements with just a single procedure! By using veneers to restore your smile, you can actually hide flaws like discoloration, poor smile alignment, and dental discoloration in a short time. In addition to providing this service, our Riverside, CA dentist’s office will also offer bonding and contouring procedures, which can lead to similar benefits. (more…)

The Arrival Of Your Wisdom Teeth Can Cause Discomfort

If you are starting to experience general discomfort in your jaw, or feel that your teeth are unusually sore or sensitive, the arrival of your wisdom teeth could be responsible. When wisdom teeth begin to erupt, they often cause issues because there is just not enough space in your mouth to accommodate them. This can lead to their becoming impacted, and with your other teeth being pushed in due to their arrival. At our Moreno Valley, CA dentist’s office, we can provide an evaluation to determine if your wisdom teeth are the source of your trouble. If so, we can make plans to extract these teeth and stop further problems from occurring. (more…)

Arranging A Visit With Your Dentist On Short Notice

If you feel good about your oral health and are free of any worrying dental aches and pains, you can have no problem patiently waiting for your next routine dental exam. If you find yourself struggling with a toothache, or if you suffer a dental injury, you may need to see someone as soon as possible! With this in mind, our Riverside, CA dentist’s office wants patients to know that they can arrange emergency dental services with us. Once you arrive, we can examine you and discuss the problem that you currently face. Because our restorative dental services are able to preserve the look of healthy teeth, we can make sure that your smile is taken care of as well as your oral health! (more…)

Encouraging Kids To Brush And Floss On Their Own

Is your child old enough to brush and floss their teeth without your help? As kids take on more responsibilities for themselves, it can sometimes be difficult to know what they are or are not ready for. Even if they feel that they can competently clean their teeth without your direct assistance, they may lack the coordination to do an effective job, which can leave them vulnerable to decay and gum disease. At our Riverside, CA dentist’s office, we help kids maintain their oral health by providing consistent preventive care. We also offer guidance to them on at-home dental care, which can prepare them for brushing and flossing their own teeth. (more…)

Doing The Following Can Help You Avoid Cavities

If you needed cavity treatment at your last dental checkup, or if you somewhat frequently require restorative dental work after an exam, you should start to reevaluate your approach to preventive dental care. At our Temecula, CA dentist’s office, we can walk patients through changes to their smile care routine that can lead to better protection against cavities. One thing to remember is that even with an improved commitment to oral hygiene, you should make regular dental checkups a priority. At these appointments, you receive helpful feedback about the condition of your smile as well as a cleaning to remove any tartar buildup that formed since your last visit. (more…)

Bothered By Chipped Teeth? Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help!

Small flaws that affect the shape of your teeth can create significant problems for your appearance. Those changes can make your smile asymmetrical, draw too much attention to a certain tooth, and generally make you look older and in poorer health than you are. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry provides solutions that only require conservative changes to your tooth structure. At our Corona, CA dentist’s office, we can talk with you about the different options that are available for restoring the look of chipped teeth. Bonding procedures can cover damage with a lifelike resin material, while porcelain veneers can hide flaws behind thin, durable shells that only take up space on the fronts of teeth. (more…)