Soda Drinkers: Myths, Facts, And How To Protect Your Smile

There’s a lot of confusion surrounding whether or not it’s okay to drink soda. Unfortunately, if you’re a soda drinker, you may find yourself feeling somewhat perplexed. You love this bubbly treat, so the last thing you want to do is seek out reasons you should avoid it at all costs. However, you love your smile too, so you wonder if you should delve a bit deeper into the facts. Here’s the bottom line, according to your Riverside dentist: Soda is dangerous for your smile, no matter what. So, soda drinkers … our Riverside, CA team invites you consider additional information, which can help you tighten up your approach to a healthy grin!


Your Moreno Valley Dentist Talks: Your Headaches!

One of the last things you may ever associated with your chronic headaches is your smile. What’s one got to do with the other, you may think to yourself? Of course, you can get cavities and gum disease and other things can go wrong. However, you never heard anyone say, “Brush your teeth or you’ll end up with head pain!” Actually, there are many connections (though it’s not all about your dental hygiene). Let your Moreno Valley dentist fill you in on the particulars. If it sounds familiar to you, then coming in to see our Moreno Valley, CA team soon is to your benefit.


Your Riverside Dentist Says: Keep Your Smile Clean!

You might know that you should keep your smile clean. You are also probably aware that our Riverside, CA team does everything we can to convince you to keep it as clean as possible. However, you may not know why it’s so extremely significant. Today, your Riverside dentist is more than happy to clear this up. While it’s true that a smile that is kept clean is likely a healthier smile, we know that providing you with the particulars is what it will take to help you remain motivated enough to strive for clean teeth and gums every day, right on the dot, for long-term success!


Cosmetic Care Candidacy: Ask Your Riverside Dentist!

When you want your smile to look better, you realize that you’re going to have to come in to our Riverside, CA practice at some point in order to find out if it’s something that you can receive. Of course, if you have already been sorting out which treatment you think is going to be best for your smile, then you are probably wondering: Am I a candidate for this type of cosmetic care? Or, will I find out that I don’t qualify and perhaps have to consider a different approach? We encourage you to see us soon, so you may ask your Riverside dentist in person! For now…


Why Your Temecula Dentist Says: Don’t Forget About Your TMJs

Your Temecula dentist would like to take a moment to toss an idea out there: Don’t forget about your TMJs! While you may not know what to do with this suggestion right off the bat, particularly if you aren’t really even sure what a TMJ is, our Temecula, CA team is happy to help. Remember, our goal is always to assist you in protecting your complete oral health! So: First things first, your TMJ is your temporomandibular joint (or your jaw joint). As for why it’s so important that you keep them in mind, well, we have a few compelling thoughts for you to consider!


Your Corona Dentist Asks: Why Brush?

Usually, your Corona dentist spends time telling you why you should brush your teeth and why you should do lots of other things to ensure your smile stays healthy. However, our Corona, CA team asks: What might happen if we were to ask you, why even bother brushing your teeth? What’s the big deal anyway? While you may not realize you know quite a lot about what it takes to keep your smile healthy (and why you need to do these things), you may find out you’re more knowledgeable on the topic than you thought if we turn the tables. Let’s have some fun!


Your Riverside Dentist Talks About “S” Things To Address

Sometimes, you wonder if the thing you’re worried about in regard to your smile is something worth bringing to our attention. When you’re on the fence, your Riverside dentist always suggests that you come in to see us. Coming in to find out that everything is perfectly fine is always preferable over keeping it to yourself and learning later that a problem was brewing and causing damage. So, to get started on some things that you may not feel sure you should bring to our Riverside, CA team’s attention (but that you certainly should), let’s head down a path of terms beginning with “S” as in…if you need care, it’s a sure thing that you should see us!


Your Orthodontic Treatment: From Start To Finish!

When you think about doing something in regard to your smile’s lack of alignment, you know that there’s going to be some kind of orthodontic treatment involved. However, as for the start-to-finish journey that is required for your smile to go from point A (its current state) to point B (a beautifully aligned grin), you’re a bit unaware. The fortunate news is that when you visit your Moreno Valley dentist for care, you have the advantage of having access to everything you might need, depending on your smile’s requirements. Learn more as our Moreno Valley, CA team explains!


Sleep Apnea: The Funny, The Not So Funny, The Shocking!

You may think that sleep apnea seems funny but that it’s actually no joke. If you’ve caught wind of something similar, then you are already a step ahead and recognize that this particular sleep disorder requires your serious attention if you think it is affecting you. Since this can be a bit confusing, our Riverside, CA team would love to help you better understand why something that seems laugh-worthy is actually something that requires sleep apnea treatment as soon as you can possibly begin!


Your Toothache: Let’s Walk You Through Reacting, Relief, And Your Solution

There’s something about dealing with a toothache that, instead of appealing to your level-headed side, can suddenly make you feel like a less than rational human being. You may not feel certain about how you should react to the discomfort, you might wonder what you should do about making your tooth feel better, and then: You have some trouble determining how to arrive at the very smartest solution for your oral health. Good news! You are absolutely not alone in this cloud of confusion, nor are you without the helpful, step-by-step advice of our Riverside, CA team!
