Some people are avid gum chewers, and some find gum completely irritating. There are so many types of chewing gums out there, it’s one of those things that runs the gamut between completely healthy and unhealthy. The Riverside dentists at Riverside Dental Group encourage you to chew away, provided your gum of choice is sugar-free and preferably sweetened with xylitol. Just be careful not to over-chew in case you end up overworking your sensitive jaw joints. (more…)
Dental Facts about Animals
The Moreno Valley dentists at Moreno Valley Dental know the deep feelings many of our patients have for their pets. Animals obviously don’t receive the same type of preventive dental care which humans do, but there is some evidence that fluoridated water may help cats have healthier teeth. You can ask your vet about fluoride supplements, but dogs should not have additional fluoride, as they do not process it in the same way. What about the dental health of other animals?
A Snail of a Tale
The average human mouth holds up to 32 teeth. When wisdom teeth erupt, they often crowd surrounding teeth or become impacted. Also known as third molars, wisdom teeth come in behind (more…)
The Importance of Daily Flossing
Levi Spear Parmly was a dentist in New Orleans. He is credited with inventing silken dental floss back in 1815, though it is believed that Native Americans taught Pilgrims to gnaw on sticks to create a combination toothbrush/floss for removing debris from between teeth. Flossing has come a long way over the years, with biodegradable materials now used to manufacture a variety of floss types. For all of our options, and the budget-friendly price tag of floss, still only 12 percent of Americans floss daily. Nearly 50 percent don’t floss at all. Daily flossing is essential to your oral health, and our Riverside dentists at Riverside Dental Group want to make sure we’re all on the same page. (more…)
Poor Dental Habits to Avoid
You already know there are several things you should do every day to take care of your teeth and gums. Brushing twice a day and flossing daily are givens. Using antibacterial mouthwash is optional, but certainly can’t hurt. Beyond what you should do, there are also several things you should avoid doing if you want to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile. The Corona dentists at Dental Associates of Corona would like you to bear in mind some bad dental habits for you to avoid.
Picking the Wrong Toothbrush (more…)
Five Interesting Dental Facts
Did you know that sharks, crocodiles, and rats regenerate their teeth when they lose them? Are you aware that the second most common disease in the United States is cavities? The Temecula dentists at the Oasis Family Dental have heard dozens of interesting dentistry related facts over the years and we would like to share some with you.
Dental Trivia
Fact #1: Did you know that children are born with 20 primary (baby) teeth which will all erupt (more…)
Try a Little Tongue Trivia
at Riverside Dental Group want to raise your awareness about this vital part of your body. (more…)
Looking Out for Women’s Oral and Overall Health
at Moreno Valley Dentistry would like to remind you that there are differences in female dental needs due to hormones. (more…)
Why Do Dentists Like Fluoride so Much?
Strong tooth enamel is vital for protecting your teeth from sensitivity and tooth decay. However, every day wear and tear, the foods we eat, and some dental conditions may cause enamel loss. Since your body cannot reproduce tooth enamel, fluoride treatments are a great way to help strengthen your teeth and create an inhospitable environment for germs. The Riverside dentists, at Riverside Dental Group encourage our patients to consider a steady flow of fluoride supplementation in their lives. (more…)
What to Expect from a Pediatric Dentist
Spring is just around the corner, which means many children are about to have Spring Break. What better time is there to catch up on overdue dental cleanings and exams? Your Temecula pediatric dentists from The Oasis Family Dental Group will answer frequently asked questions about preventive dentistry for our littlest patients.
Pediatric Dentisty FAQs
Q1. Can a pediatric dentist cater to a very shy and nervous child? (more…)
Six Month Dental Checkups: Really Necessary? Yes!
You’ve probably heard about the six month rule for most of your life. Besides brushing and flossing daily, you should see the Corona dentists at Dental Associates of Corona (or your closest family dentist) every six months for a dental checkup and cleaning. When you take good care of your teeth, your dentist tells you what a good job you’re doing and encourages you to continue. After a while, you may begin to wonder if seeing the dentist so much is really necessary. Yet if you stopped, how would you know how well your oral health is doing, or if there are any new issues? (more…)
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