Your Corona Dentists Discuss Protein Capsules for Fighting Gum Disease

at Dental Associates of Corona, will share the details of a new study that proposes using protein filled capsules to alleviate periodontitis.

Gum Tissue Regrowth?

The research report was presented at the 244th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society. Steven Little, Ph.D, reported on the research in which they performed (more…)

Temecula Dentists Quiz You on Health Benefits of Pumpkins

Have you been seeing a great many pumpkins popping up in patches, at grocery stores, or throughout your neighborhood? A symbol of both Halloween and Thanksgiving, pumpkins are great for decoration, and delicious when you mix their flesh with eggs, cream, and sugar. Obviously, sweet pumpkin treats won’t tout many health benefits, dental or otherwise,. However, pumpkin can potentially benefit your health in and of itself. Your Temecula dentists at the Oasis Family Dental will quiz you on why you might want to consider adding a little more pumpkin into your regular diet. (more…)

Stresses Relationship to Teeth Grinding Explained by Woodcrest Dentists

Stress can cause people to do many things, both consciously and unconsciously. When you’re tense, do you resort to biting your fingernails, clenching your teeth, or perhaps chewing on pens and pencils? Stress reactions can be very detrimental to your dental health. Arguably, the worst of all tooth-threatening stress side-effects is bruxism (teeth grinding). Unfortunately, many patients that suffer from bruxism grind their teeth while they’re sleeping. The problem with this is that they may not even realize they have a problem until tooth damage has begun to show signs. Your Woodcrest dentists at Riverside Dental Group, has more to say about the relationship between teeth grinding and stress. (more…)

Sinus Infections and Toothache Confusion Cleared Up by Riverside Dentists

from Riverside Dental Group will explain why sinusitis can cause a toothache even when there’s nothing wrong with your teeth.

Sinuses and Molars: Next Door Neighbors

When you have a toothache, your first instinct might be to call your dentist for an emergency appointment. If the pain hits at off hours, perhaps you can turn to home remedies such as cold and hot compresses, rest, and over-the-counter pain medication. If you find yourself in this situation (more…)

Teeth Whitening Quiz from Moreno Valley Dentists

As we age, our teeth become stained from substances such as coffee, red wine, and tobacco products. Dull, yellow teeth are also a sign of simply aging. Many people are turning to teeth whitening to take years off of their appearance, and boost their confidence in their smiles. Do you think you already know a lot about teeth whitening? Your Moreno Valley dentists at Moreno Valley Dentistry, have a quiz for you to try. (more…)

Temecula Dentists Play a Trick on Cavities

It’s that time of year where one holiday after another offers us a barrage of sugary treats. You may be able to control your sweet tooth as you get older, but kids tend to find candy irresistible. As Halloween approaches, do you already have your little ghosts and goblins scheduled for their next bi-annual dental cleaning? Your Temecula dentists at Oasis Family Dental invite you to brush up on your cavity knowledge before the sugar binges ensue.

Sugar is Only Part of the Cavity Equation

Have you ever looked at a child’s Halloween night candy haul and said, “that’s enough sugar to keep a dentist in business for a year?” Many people believe that sugar contacting your teeth is the (more…)