Riverside Dentists Discuss 5 Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Living with sensitive teeth can impact day-to-day activities and overall wellbeing. Hot or cold foods, a rush of air, and even acidic or sweet foods can set in a motion a painful barrage of tooth responses. The many types of tooth sensitivity can vary depending on the cause. Some sensitivity can manifest as dull or throbbing pain, other types of sensitivity express themselves in short bursts of sharp pain. The dentists from Dental Associates of Riverside discuss five causes of tooth sensitivity.


Moreno Valley Dentists on Tooth Sensitivity and Gum Recession

Experiencing pain or sensitivity in your teeth can ruin a perfectly good time. Studies indicate that as many as 88% of Americans suffer from some form of tooth sensitivity. Many people experience quick, sharp pain when exposed to extreme temperatures.

Although cavities could certainly cause tooth sensitivity, gum recession also lends a hand to the development of sensitive teeth. Many people simply assume that their sensitive teeth result from genetics or other unavoidable causes. Although some people possess naturally thin gums, oral hygiene often plays the biggest role in maintaining optimal gum health. The dentists from Dental Associates of Moreno Valley discuss how gum recession can cause tooth sensitivity.

Gum Recession

When gums recede, sensitive roots become exposed to new stimuli. When foods, beverages, or even sweets make contact with sensitive roots, people typically experience a short burst of pain. In some cases, a fresh breath of cold air can provide the same unnerving sensation. Gum recession occurs for a variety of reasons. Periodontal disease can certainly cause gum recession. Halitosis, repeated infections, and bleeding gums can all signify the presence of gum disease.


Dementia and Chewing Ability Quiz from Riverside Dentists

As the population continues to live longer and longer, an increase in certain medical conditions could occur. More patients require hip and joint replacements each year as their body simply wears down with age. Additionally, many other patients notice a loss in mental capacity as they age. Could there be a link between oral health and maintaining mental function later in life? The dentists from Riverside Dental Group developed a short, true/false quiz to inform and educate patients about the potential link between chewing ability and dementia.


Teeth Whitening Quiz with Temecula Dentists

The most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure, teeth whitening, could revive a lackluster smile. Countless individuals can benefit from smile rejuvenation and brightening with teeth whitening. Evidence suggests that people whom smile more tend to exercise with more frequency.

Additionally, smiling can lift a person’s mood and convey confidence. Tooth stains and discoloration could cause a smile to fade, but craze lines can also leave patients embarrassed to smile. The dentists from The Oasis Family Dental Group developed a short true/false quiz on teeth whitening.


Riverside Dentists on Bone and Joint Health

As people age, their bones and joints can wear out or begin to deteriorate. Conditions like osteoporosis can take a toll on bone growth and health. Mid-October brings Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week. Promoting and maintaining bone growth acts as an essential factor in retaining teeth and a fully-functioning jaw. Adult tooth loss can cause health problems and even lead to an increased risk of dementia in patients. The dentists from Dental Associates of Riverside outline ways to promote oral health and prevent poor bone and joint health.

The Importance of Teeth

Gum disease remains the primary cause of adult tooth loss in America. Living with tooth loss can cause embarrassment, low self-esteem, and diminished confidence. Additionally, tooth loss can cause jawbone deterioration if not treated properly. When tooth loss occurs, the jaw no longer receives signal from teeth, necessary for promoting bone growth.

Jawbone deterioration could result in facial collapse. When facial collapse occurs, patients’ often lose confidence in their appearance because of the abnormalities in the way skin hangs over their jaw. In order to reduce the risk of gum disease, always maintain a proper oral hygiene routine.

Dental Implants Promote Bone Growth

After tooth loss, several tooth replacement options can provide a cosmetically appealing aesthetic. However, dental implants also serve to continue promoting bone growth. Dentures simply do not provide the same stimulation to the jaw which could result in facial collapse. Dental implants typically consist of a titanium post and a ceramic prosthetic to mimic the feel and appearance to natural teeth.

Many patients report they can consume their favorite foods with dental implants. Patients with dentures can experience difficulty chewing and speaking due to denture slippage. Although dentures can serve as reliable prosthetics, continued jawbone stimulation marks a clear advantage for dental implants in terms of bone growth.

Schedule Your Visit for Bone and Joint Health

Adult tooth loss can take a toll on a person’s overall quality of life. At Dental Associates of Riverside, we can discuss effective means of gum disease prevention in our 92506 dentist office to help you avoid tooth loss. We offer comprehensive dental care and multi-specialty dentistry to our patients of all ages. Contact us by calling (951) 369-1001 to schedule an appointment today. We welcome patients from Riverside and all neighboring communities in Southern California.

Moreno Valley Dentists on Oral Health and Breast Cancer Link

With the arrival of October comes an influx of candy, scary costumes, and National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Grocery stores roll out pink displays for select items, and certain candy companies even offer all-pink versions of their most popular sellers. Almost every major sport in America helps spread awareness.

The Major League Baseball World Series features pink ribbons painted on the field. The National Football League encourages everyone to display pink, from the most elite quarterbacks, to the lowliest of towel boys. Many people remain unaware of the link between oral health and an increased risk of developing breast cancer. The dentists from Dental Associates of Moreno Valley discuss the connection between gum disease and breast cancer.

Breast Cancer / Gum Disease Link

According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), patients with gum disease could experience an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Many scientists fail to acknowledge the oral –systemic connection, but evidence points to prevalence of gum disease in people with certain medical conditions.

Breast cancer can affect women and some men, and the WHO study certainly continues to highlight the importance of maintaining a strict oral hygiene regimen to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. 

Gum Disease Prevention

Preventing gum disease can appear difficult in this day and age. Currently, roughly 80% of American adults will experience gum disease during their life. Roughly 20% of those people remain unaware of their periodontal issues. Additionally, gum disease serves as the leading cause of adult tooth loss in the United States.

Gum tissue and bone provide support for teeth, and periodontal disease can result in tooth loss. Gum irritation, swelling, and bleeding all warrant a call to your dentist at Dental Associates of Moreno Valley. In order to give yourself the best chance of preventing periodontal issues, make sure to brush twice daily, floss regularly, and finish your hygiene regimen using an ADA-approved antimicrobial mouthrinse.

Schedule Your Visit for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Want to show your support for National Breast Cancer Awareness month with a dental checkup to screen for gum disease? At Dental Associates of Moreno Valley, we offer comprehensive dental care and multi-specialty dentistry. Contact our 92533 dental office by calling (951) 697-6800 to schedule an appointment today. We welcome patients from Moreno Valley and all neighboring communities in Southern California.

Corona Dentists Discuss New Toothpaste Evaluation Methods

Smiling can provide numerous emotional benefits. Known to boost and convey confidence, people with bright, beautiful smiles reportedly earn more than their yellow-toothed counterparts. Feeling embarrassed about the appearance of teeth can cause people to miss out on the joys of flashing a smile. Toothpaste selection can impact teeth. Some toothpaste contains elements for tooth whitening and others contain elements to reduce sensitivity in teeth. Depending on abrasive levels, the effect of toothpaste on enamel could vary. The dentists from Dental Associates of Corona discuss the new evaluation method for toothpaste.

Abrasive Toothpaste Levels

The chemical components found in toothpaste to clean teeth known as abrasives can cause enamel damage over time. Measured in terms of abrasivity, certain toothpastes can pose more damage than others. Previous studies measured radioactive dentin abrasion levels using a complex process of scrubbing dentin marked radioactively. The current scale for measuring RDA levels runs from 30 to slightly over 200.


Nature vs. Nurture: Riverside Dentists on Recent Findings

Some things pass down from generation to generation. Poor joint health, poor vision, and an increased risk of heart problems are all forms of genetic predispositions. Is the same true for oral health? If your parents suffered from gum disease, are you already on a collision course for gum disease? According to a new study published in Genome Research, genetic predisposition may not play such a large role in oral health. The dentists of Riverside Dental Group discuss the recent study and findings regarding nature versus nurture in terms of oral health.

The Study Conducted

In order to determine a link between genetics and the microbial make up of an individual’s mouth, scientists studied two groups of twins. The scientists studied microbial DNA found in the saliva of all the twins studied. Two types of twins were studied. Half of the twins were identical, while the other twins were only fraternal. By studying the microbial DNA of all the twins, they sought to find concrete evidence of genetic predisposition, or evidence of environment playing a more substantial role.


Sleep Apnea and Pregnancy: Temecula Dentists Discuss Recent Findings

Pregnancy can be a magical time for mothers and their children. Physically, the human body undergoes tremendous changes while pregnant. Most parents strive to give their children the very best. Recent studies on pregnancy, obesity, and sleep apnea could equip parents with new information about the associated risks. New research also provides information on how to diminish the chance of a C-section delivery and how to reduce the rate of infants being admitted to neonatal intensive care. The dentists of The Oasis Family Dental discuss the recent findings on how sleep apnea in pregnancy may harm mother and baby.

Sleep Apnea Study

Sleep apnea among obese patients is quite prevalent. Currently, sleep apnea affects less than 10% of the general population, but as much as 40% of people classified as obese. The study was conducted using 175 pregnant women classified as obese and recently published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology.


Gum Disease: Men at Higher Risk than Women

Although losing a tooth called for celebration as a child, losing a tooth as an adult can be a trying ordeal. Many people don’t realize that the leading cause of tooth loss is gum disease. Avoiding gum disease for your entire life is becoming increasingly difficult. Reports indicate roughly 80% of adults in America will suffer from gum disease at some point during their life.

Recent studies are illustrating which segments of the American population are more at risk for developing gum disease. The dentists at Dental Associates of Riverside discuss gum disease prevention and how men are at higher risk for gum disease.

Gum Disease Rates for Men and Women

Gender equality could exist in society, but it doesn’t exist when it comes to gum disease. According to data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, men are at a significantly higher risk for developing gum disease than women. Currently, the rate for gum disease is 56.4% among men in America. The CDC also estimates that at least 50% of the population currently has gum disease. For women, the number drops to 38.4%. For patients over the age of 65, over 70% of people currently have some form of gum disease. As the population continues to live longer, the rate of gum disease among people over 65 will surely increase.
