Category: Family Dentistry

Oral Cancer and Oral HPV Linked by Temecula Dentists

The link between oral cancer and oral HPV is a huge breakthrough in preventive dental health. There was a time in history where stereotypes abounded regarding the risks of oral cancer. In general, people tended to believe that older gentlemen who smoked and drank regularly were the main people who needed to worry about oral… Read more »

Temecula General Dentists Challenge You to a Tongue Quiz

There is plenty of interesting trivia about the human tongue. Is it the strongest muscle in your body? Is it the only muscle that is not attached on both ends by connective tissue? Does it hold all but 10% of your taste buds? The answer to these questions is yes. Your Temecula general dentists from… Read more »

Sleep Apnea and Pregnancy: Temecula Dentists Discuss Recent Findings

Pregnancy can be a magical time for mothers and their children. Physically, the human body undergoes tremendous changes while pregnant. Most parents strive to give their children the very best. Recent studies on pregnancy, obesity, and sleep apnea could equip parents with new information about the associated risks. New research also provides information on how… Read more »

Nutrition and Your Children’s Oral Health in Temecula

By now, children have been back to school long enough to establish a routine. Are healthy lunches a part of your child’s day? We trust our schools to provide nutritious lunch options when kids purchase lunch at school. Now, the American Dental Association is officially supporting legislation passed by Congress to make changes in the… Read more »