Category: Children’s Dentistry

Tips For Helping Kids Develop Good Oral Health Habits

As soon as a child’s teeth start to arrive, parents have to concern themselves with protecting those teeth against decay. While kids typically pick up the responsibilities of brushing and flossing their own teeth at a relatively early age, the support you give them before and after this point can help stay safe against dental… Read more »

Tips To Help Your Kids Avoid Poor Brushing Habits

By instilling the value of good oral health in your kids at an early age, you can help them enjoy a lifetime with healthy teeth! There are many lessons that you will need to impart to your youngsters as they learn to care for themselves. When they are old enough to start brushing and flossing… Read more »

Tips To Help Your Kids Commit To Good Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing may not be your child’s favorite activities, but they are two important practices that they should stick to in order to avoid dental problems. Kids, like adults, can avoid problems with tooth decay and gum disease when they maintain good oral hygiene habits. Unfortunately, kids differ from adults in an important way… Read more »

Oral Health Support At An Early Age Can Have Lasting Value

What challenges do kids face when it comes to preventing oral health problems? Kids can have a harder time making smart, smile-friendly diet choices, which can raise their risk for cavities. They can also struggle because they are less informed on the benefits of a healthy smile. While parents are directly involved with caring for… Read more »

Is My Child Old Enough To Brush And Floss Their Own Teeth?

Even at a young age, kids can be eager to try more things, and to do more for themselves. Of course, as parents can attest, they sometimes overestimate their readiness for certain tasks. When they are ready, your child will begin to brush and floss their own teeth. After years of having their teeth cared… Read more »

Kids May Be More Vulnerable To Cavities Than You Realize

Parents have many responsibilities, particularly when they have younger children. At an early age, kids can lack information on how to maintain their health, or why it is so important to practice good hygiene. Part of taking care of a young child involves taking care of their teeth so that they develop healthy, happy smile…. Read more »

Teach Kids Good Oral Health Habits To Follow At Home

As young children grow up and taken on more independence, they can become responsible for important daily practices. When your kids begin to care for their teeth on their own, it can be important to confirm that they are developing good habits. The behaviors they develop early can be hard to shake later in life…. Read more »

3 Things To Consider When Encouraging Kids To Brush

An important part of providing care for your kids is educating them on how they can (and should) take care of themselves. Just as pediatric dental visits with their Temecula, CA dentist can help kids learn the importance of proper oral hygiene, guidance from you can ensure kids follow through with effective brushing and flossing…. Read more »

How Can I Make Sure My Kids Develop Good Oral Health Habits?

Wanting what is best for your kids is about providing them with support and resources, but it also involves providing important instructions. When it comes to protecting your child’s developing smile, you should take care to help them learn how they can brush and floss effectively when they take on these responsibilities for themselves. With… Read more »

We Can Help Kids Who Have A Hard Time With Dental Visits

When you browse the list of activities that kids typically enjoy, we understand that “going to the dentist” may not be high on their list. With that said, our Temecula, CA dentist’s office is proud to create a welcoming environment for our youngest patients, one that can make them feel comfortable every time they see… Read more »