Category: Dental Associates of Riverside

Veneers Can Address Multiple Smile Flaws In One Procedure

While dental health is obviously important, a person can become self-conscious about a healthy smile when they have noticeable issues with discolored, worn, or misshapen teeth. If you have several teeth with appearances that make you unhappy, or if you have more than one problem to address, you may worry that the process of improving… Read more »

The Arrival Of Wisdom Teeth Can Hurt – We Can Help!

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to arrive, and for many people that arrival is not a welcome one. People often lack the space to accommodate these teeth, also known as third molars, so their eruption can create problems with crowding as other teeth are pushed in. This can lead to pain, and it can… Read more »

3 Problems That Can Lead To Worrying Tartar Accumulation

The fight to stop tartar from forming on your teeth is an important one. Tartar deposits that form will not budge when you brush and floss, which means they stick around to cause problems with dental decay and gum disease until your next professional teeth cleaning. Fortunately, you can keep your smile safe against the… Read more »

Tips To Help Your Kids Avoid Poor Brushing Habits

By instilling the value of good oral health in your kids at an early age, you can help them enjoy a lifetime with healthy teeth! There are many lessons that you will need to impart to your youngsters as they learn to care for themselves. When they are old enough to start brushing and flossing… Read more »

Can Adjusting Your Daily Routine Help You Avoid Cavities?

Are you having a problem protecting yourself against tooth decay? It may seem strange to have issues with cavities when you feel certain you are keeping your smile clean each day. After all, how can tooth decay be a problem when you are consistently clearing away the bacteria and food debris that lead to problems?… Read more »

Enjoy Better Smile Health By Improving Your Brushing Routine

Have you struggled to stop cavities? Does it seem like your oral hygiene routine is less helpful than it should be? It may be time to accept that your current approach to brushing is less effective than it should be, and that without changes you can remain vulnerable to problems that call for restorative dental… Read more »

Make Sure You Care For Your Smile When You Start Your Day

Some people are early risers by nature, while others prefer to cling to every minute of sleep within reach. While the “typical” morning routine can vary greatly from one person to the next, there is one habit that should be a part of your waking routine no matter what the rest of your habits look… Read more »

What Can I Do If I Feel Embarrassed By My Smile?

If you feel a surge of embarrassment every time you think about the condition of your smile, your confidence can take a significant hit. Unfortunately, the issues that have made you self-conscious could also be signs that your teeth are in poor health. At our Riverside, CA dentist’s office, we can work with individuals who… Read more »

Can Physical And Emotional Changes Affect Your Oral Health?

Your physical and emotional health can interfere with your overall well-being in ways that could surprise you. One thing that you may not realize is that issues like fatigue, stress, and physical illness may affect your ability to maintain a healthy smile. These problems can lead to physical changes that make it harder for you… Read more »

How Do I Safely Bring A Dislodged Tooth To An Appointment?

Because patients at our Riverside, CA dentist’s office have access to emergency dental work, they can promptly see someone if they suffer a dental injury. In situations where a tooth is loosened or lost completely, access to prompt care can make saving the tooth more likely. With that said, you will want to take care… Read more »