Answering Your Questions About Oral Surgery

Riverside Dental has several options for oral surgery

Oral surgery is an option in dentistry that can repair dental-related problems or also be used as preventive care. While it may seem scary to go in for a root canal or tooth extraction, we are here to provide you with comfortable care throughout the whole process so you can worry less. In today’s blog, Riverside Dental Group of California is here to tell you all about the types of oral surgery we provide and what to expect!


Schedule Your Next Dental Checkup Before The Holidays

your next dental checkup riverside caCan you remember the last time you were in the dental office for a cleaning and an examination? If you are struggling to recall when that was, it is time for you to schedule your next appointment for a semiannual dental checkup. Like the name suggests, these visits are recommended at least twice each year in order to help you keep your smile safe from serious dental problems like periodontal disease and tooth decay.

Before the hectic time of the holiday season takes up too much of your time, take this opportunity to visit with your helpful Temecula, CA dentists at a dental checkup. This is also your opportunity to use your dental benefits before the end of the year, as these do not roll over into January. Don’t let these slip away, and instead, keep the focus on your oral health. Prevention is key in maintaining a healthy smile as you age, so use the dental benefits that you pay for with a semiannual checkup from our team!


Options For Prosthetic Dentistry


Riverside Dental Group can offer prosthetic solutions

Missing or damaged teeth can be a cause for concern for many people. Aside from the visual appearance that may make you feel less confident, having gaps in your smile can also create a lower quality of living for you and can even lead to health problems. In today’s blog, your Riverside Dental Group is here to tell you about the available options for prosthetic dentistry and how it can help.


Go Into The Holidays With A Brighter Smile

Brighter Smile Riverside CAIf you are unhappy with your appearance due to stained or yellowed teeth, take some time to meet with your dentist to learn about your options. Now is the perfect time of year to make these improvements, as you can be ready for that important holiday dinner with the family. When you want to make a change, be sure to talk with your dentist to keep an eye on the health of your enamel as you lift those stubborn stains.

With our team of helpful and caring dentists in Corona, CA, you can enhance your smile with cosmetic teeth whitening from a professional. Before you reach for those supermarket products, take the time for your next semiannual dental checkup to learn a little about the causes of your stains. Certain forms of discoloration require different methods of treatment, and you want to make sure that you are approaching things in the right way before you expose your teeth to bleaching agents. Schedule your next appointment and find out more about how we can help you to achieve a brighter smile before the holidays!


What is Periodontitis And How Can I Prevent It?

Riverside Dental Group Has Treatment Plans For Gum Disease If you have been experiencing red, swollen, or receding gums, loose teeth, or bad breath that does not go away no matter what you do, it is time to see your dental provider. These can all be symptoms of gum disease. Also known as Periodontal disease, this is a leading cause of adult tooth loss and can cause many complications if left untreated. That is why at Riverside Dental Group in California, we are dedicated to providing periodontal treatment to you.


Grinding Your Teeth is A Bigger Problem Than You Might Think

Riverside Dental Can Help You Stop Grinding Teeth Do you find that when you wake up in the mornings, your face feels sore? If you ever experience a headache or pain after a night of rest, you may be gnashing your teeth in your sleep. Teeth Grinding- Or Bruxism– is very common but can cause damage to your pearly whites. This is a habit that can be done throughout the day too, but sleep grinding can be especially concerning as it’s done unknowingly.

At your Riverside Dental group in California, we can provide a solution for you. In today’s blog, we’re here to tell you the reasons you may be doing this, the problems that can be created if this persists, and what we can do to help!


Providing Root Canal Therapy For Your Toothache

Moreno Valley, CA, Root CanalWaking up with a severe toothache can disrupt your entire day. The constant pain prevents you from concentrating on the most basic of tasks, so call your dentist right away! Ignoring this common symptom of an infection can allow bacteria to break away and travel throughout your bloodstream. Fortunately, we can take an X-ray of your problem tooth and determine if you require a root canal. This therapy accesses the inner pulp chamber to clear all decaying material and seal it against future infection. Because your root canal permanently alters the outer structure of your tooth, we design a dental cap that restores your tooth’s function and appearance. By clearing your infection, your pain subsides, allowing you to regain your quality of life.

At your Moreno Valley, CA, dental practice, we are standing by to provide emergency services in your time of need. When you experience a tooth infection, you should not wait until your next cleaning to seek treatment. Instead, call us right away and we will see you as soon as we can. After clearing your infection, we can discuss strategies for preventing future harm to your smile.
