Invisalign Treatment: Learn The Basics

Loving the smile you have can be an incredibly important part of your life. Unfortunately, individuals who are unhappy with the way their smiles look because of misalignment cannot do anything on their own to make changes. The good news is that by seeking our assistance, we can provide orthodontic treatment that will dramatically improve the alignment of your grin, so you can enjoy a beautiful, straight smile. Wondering how you can achieve this without others realizing you’re receiving treatment? Learn more about Invisalign treatment and you’ll know just what to do.


Porcelain Veneers: Planning and Placement

Have you ever wondered what it will take to receive porcelain veneers? If you’re interested in improving the beauty of your smile with a dramatic cosmetic transformation, then it is probably a good idea you begin at the beginning. Once you learn more about the improvements you can expect, such as a white smile, spaces filled between teeth, altered tooth shape, and gently improved misalignment, then you can move onto the process. Fortunately, planning and placement for veneers is quite simple.


Do You Need A Dental Specialist?

If you’ve been visiting us for dental checkups, cleanings, and the like then you’re visiting us for things that fall under general dentistry. However, if something comes up that requires a very specific type of treatment, you may require the help of a dental specialist. Not familiar with the different fields of specialization that may suddenly offer you the assistance you need to improve your oral health and comfort? We encourage you to learn a bit about each area, so you’re well informed if the time comes.


An orthodontist focuses on the alignment of your smile, or the way your top and bottom teeth (and your jaws) fit together. In the best of circumstances, they fit together well, providing you with comfortable daily function. If not, you may require braces or other orthodontic treatment for improvement.


Periodontal therapy is something that patients need when their gum health becomes compromised. Periodontics focuses on the tissues that support your teeth, such as your gums, connective tissue, and jawbone.


Is your tooth infected? If you need a root canal or special therapy that focuses on the roots of your teeth – which are the lowermost hollow spaces within each tooth, housing dental pulp – then you may need the care of an endodontic dental specialist.


If you need prosthodontics then you require the help of a dental specialist who works on teeth replacement. Sometimes referred to as “dental prosthetics” these devices typically replace missing teeth. Examples may include a dental bridge or denture.

Pediatric Dentistry

This one is for children. You may wish to bring your child to a pediatric dentist to ensure your little one is receiving the specialized dental care he or she needs for successful, enjoyable treatment.

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

This type of dental specialist – your oral & maxillofacial surgeon – will concentrate on addressing the needs of your mouth, head, and face. For instance, you may require a tooth extraction, bone grafting, or a biopsy.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 695-2290.

Why It’s Important To Align Your Smile

Aligning your teeth will present you with a beautiful smile you can feel proud to show off to those around you. However, have you ever considered what choosing orthodontic treatment can mean for your oral health? There are many reasons to shift your teeth into proper alignment. If you’ve been thinking about choosing a system of braces to achieve a straighter smile but have hesitated because you think of it as a strictly cosmetic choice, think again. It’s time to learn about the wide array of benefits you can enjoy.

Problems With Brushing And Flossing

It’s important to think about your teeth and gums as objects that you need to maintain. The objective when you clean your teeth and gums with brushing and flossing is to brush and floss away plaque and food particles, which protects your smile against tooth decay, gingivitis, and the chance of developing periodontal disease. If your teeth are overcrowded or if you have gaps between your teeth, you may have trouble either cleaning all surfaces or keeping food from between your teeth. Align your smile with orthodontic treatment and daily hygiene becomes simple and effective.

Jaw Strain Concerns

Did you know that a leading cause of jaw strain, which causes problems like TMJ disorder, is a misaligned smile? You see, if your teeth line up poorly, you may not be able to close your mouth comfortably. Or, you will need to shift your jaw into a position that allows you to rest, chew, or speak successfully. Unfortunately, all of this shifting may result in stress. Align your smile and the orthodontic treatment you choose will help protect your jaw joints, too.

Your Smile Limits Your Confidence

Not happy with your smile’s appearance? Your self-esteem may never reach its full potential. Speak with us about orthodontic treatment if you’re not happy with the way your teeth look. By flashing a beautiful grin, you may feel more confident to succeed in a variety of ways, from the professional field to the romantic arena.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.

What To Expect From Contouring

Do you spend time lamenting the way your smile looks? What is the problem, exactly? If you have ever wished you could gently reshape your teeth or soften problem areas, then it may be time to look into the benefits of dental contouring. This cosmetic treatment is akin to filing your fingernails – you can dramatically alter the shape of your teeth (and the appearance of your entire smile). With the removal of a minuscule portion of your tooth tissue, we can address little imperfections that make a dramatic impact.

Dental Contouring Steps

  • Consultation: We will begin by inspecting your smile and speaking with you about your goals. We can achieve many different improvements with contouring, such as reducing a long tooth, smoothing a pointed tooth, or even improving the texture of a pitted tooth. We can make a single change or multiple changes. The goal of our consultation is come to an agreement regarding the choices you desire.
  • Imaging: We may need to take X-rays of your teeth to ensure you have enough enamel for us to contour your smile. Enamel is your tooth’s outermost layer. Most patients will make good candidates for this gentle treatment.
  • Contouring: This is a subtractive cosmetic treatment, which means we will take away a little bit of your tooth tissue. Dental contouring includes a delicate buffing process. We will utilize a handheld polishing instrument to carefully take away bits of tissue on target sites. You can expect a quick, comfortable visit.

Addressing Your Concerns

You don’t need to worry about contouring causing discomfort. To the contrary, dental contouring is known for many things, including its comfort as well as its convenience. Generally speaking, contouring only requires a single visit for you to achieve the simple or dramatic improvement you want for your smile. 


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.

Dental Bonding: FAQs

Do you find that you feel highly dissatisfied with your smile because of concerns you worry may be considered too insignificant for treatment? First, allow us to reassure you that every detail is considered important when it comes to helping you achieve the look you desire for your smile. Fortunately, we offer dental bonding to create the illusion of additional tissue if your imperfections result from a lack of tissue. For instance, you may find that with just a little bit more tooth tissue in one or several target locations, your smile would look just how you want it. Learn more about treatment, so you can move forward on your journey toward a prettier grin.

Question: Why do you suggest dental bonding?

Answer: We suggest bonding for minor esthetic concerns, including the desire to fill gaps between teeth, to lengthen a tooth or several teeth for a symmetrical smile, to repair minor issues like cracks or small chips, or to cover serious stains.

Question: Will the material match my tooth?

Answer: Yes, we use a material called composite. This substance is a synthetic acrylic resin. Fortunately, it is quite easy to work with and color-customizable. This means we can match the shade of the bonding to your tooth and that we may mold it to your specifications.

Question: How many visits will I need to schedule?

Answer: In general, dental bonding requires only one visit. We will mold the composite during treatment, so there is no need for wait time or follow-up visits.

Question: Will you need to numb my tooth first?

Answer: No, bonding is completely comfortable. You may feel us working but it will not result in any discomfort.

Question: Is bonding affordable?

Answer: Yes, dental bonding is known as one of the most budget-friendly cosmetic solutions around, similar to dental contouring.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.

White Restorations: Reasons To Get Excited

Finding out that you need restorative dentistry to improve your smile can result in a mixed bag of emotions. First, you are likely over-the-moon with joy at the fact that your current oral health problem, be it a broken tooth, cavity, or other concern, is easily fixed with treatment. However, if you’ve spent time looking at other individual’s smiles, you may worry that your mouth will end up full of unsightly restorations, such as metal crowns and fillings. The good news? We offer white restorations so your smile looks good as new.

What’s So Great About White Restorations?

White restorations bring with them a long list of benefits. First, we rely on lifelike materials, which will allow your tooth to look natural and as though it never suffered from disease or damage. The result? A beautiful, healthy-looking smile that nobody can detect once received restorative care. In addition, our restorations are free of metal and mercury, which makes them safe for nearly every patient. Even pregnant women and patients who are allergic to metal can receive restorative care without concern.

White Restoration Options

For the most part, you will visit us for restorative treatment if you need to repair a tooth suffering from tooth decay, physical breakage, or for an infection. All of these concerns will typically require a filling or a crown. Learn more about your options:

  • Tooth-Colored Fillings: These white restorations are composed of composite, a synthetic acrylic-resin material that we will color-customize to match the shade of your tooth, rather than relying on a universal shade of white.
  • All-Ceramic Crowns: We offer patients crowns crafted out of porcelain, which is a substance that looks a lot like natural tooth tissue and reflects light in a similar manner. We will color-match your custom-crafted crown, so your smile looks gorgeous, while your tooth receives sufficient coverage and support.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.

Are Partials And Bridges The Same?

When you begin your journey into exploring the world of dental prosthetics, you may find that there are some nuanced details that set certain options apart from others. If at first glance you are discovering that you have some difficulty telling partials and bridges apart from one another, we can help. We are quite accustomed to the types of questions patients ask and the particular areas of confusion that can trip them up. By becoming more familiar with the specifics of what each option offers, you will have an easier time making a final decision regarding teeth replacement.

How They Are Alike

  • They Replace Multiple Teeth. Partial dentures and bridges are both referred to as “dental prosthetics.” Unlike complete dentures, which restore a full arch of teeth, these two solutions replace multiple missing teeth. Neither of them replaces your roots (which you can expect from implants). Instead, they simply replace the part of your tooth that rests above your gumline and that is visible when you speak or smile.

How They Are Different

  • A Partial Is Removable. A partial denture is called a “removable prosthetic” for the obvious reasons. You will place this device in your mouth when you need it to complete your smile. Then, whether you need to remove it to clean your smile or to go to bed, you will take it out of your mouth. In some cases, patients choose partials as a temporary solution while they wait for a fixed prosthetic like a bridge or implant. A dental bridge, however, is “fixed.” This means that it will remain right where we place it, cementing it over your teeth. You will not be able to take it out of your mouth.
  • Partials Replace Multiple Tooth Loss Patterns. Partials and bridges are also different in the tooth loss patterns they address. A partial denture can replace most partial tooth loss configurations. A dental bridge replaces one tooth, two teeth, or three teeth all in a row.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.

3 Important Reasons To Schedule Your Filling

Scheduling your dental filling to repair your tooth may seem like nothing more than a task you need to check off of your to-do list. However, ensuring you make time for this restorative treatment is actually very important. In most cases, waiting a day or two to return to our practice to address your cavity will not result in side effects. However, putting your filling off for an extended period may certainly yield serious consequences. Become familiar with the reasons to add some urgency to your plans to fix your tooth.

Your Tooth Will Look New

We use tooth-colored fillings at our practice, which are composed of a synthetic resin material called “composite.” We will match the color of the composite to your tooth’s shade for a beautiful finish that is completely undetectable. You can expect your tooth to look new again, rather than display signs of prior tooth decay.

You Can Avoid An Infection

Tooth decay is progressive. This means that if you postpone your dental filling, the decay will continue to become worse. Unfortunately, this means bad things for your tooth. An opening that provides entrance into your tooth’s body and roots creates an ideal environment for bacteria to invade, resulting in an infection. Rather than waiting until you require root canal treatment, save yourself the time and energy by choosing a filling.

You Can Prevent A Broken Tooth

Imagine your tooth with a cavity in it. A cavity begins as a small hole within your tooth tissue – now visualize a larger, crater-like cavity. The walls of your tooth begin to become quite thin the larger the cavity becomes. What was once a solid piece of tissue becomes fragile. The longer you ignore your cavity, the greater the chance that your tooth – or a portion of it – will shatter. Stick with dental fillings, which are more budget-friendly than a dental crown.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.

Tips For A Whiter Smile

Have you been unhappy with your smile for some time now as a result of discoloration? Fortunately, you are not alone or without options. Like many patients, you have a variety of solutions at your fingertips. You may assume that the only way is to achieve a brighter smile with traditional teeth whitening – which is certainly one option. However, reaching your goal of enjoying a whiter smile (and keeping it that way) is a multi-faceted experience. We encourage you to learn some simple tips that will help you attain the sparkling smile you want.

Limit Staining Foods

Do your favorite foods happen to include those that are known for their stain-causing abilities? Anything super-pigmented (think tea, coffee, berries, and more) is likely to contribute to yellowing or darkening. One option is to limit these foods and to treat them as occasional indulgences rather than daily treats.

Rinse and Brush After You Eat

Not quite ready to give up your morning cup of coffee or other stain-causing agents? Don’t worry – you can practice a little prevention in this case. Even individuals who have already brightened their teeth with teeth whitening will find that this solution helps keep their smiles nice and bright. You will simply need to rinse your mouth out after you eat or drink something staining. Then, after 30 minutes has passed, brush your teeth.

Don’t Forget Your Cleanings

Dental cleanings are just as important as your daily brushing and flossing. Remember to visit us for your six-month checkups and cleanings, so we can help you keep your teeth as clean and stain-free as possible.

Consult With Us For Whitening

Ready to make a dramatic change for a whiter smile? Visit us for a cosmetic consultation. We will discuss your options, such as at-home teeth whitening or in-office whitening, to help you quickly achieve the smile you desire.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.