Major Benefits Of Orthodontic Treatment

When you daydream about improving the alignment of your smile, your main focus is likely achieving a straighter smile because it will look much more pleasing. While this is certainly a wonderful reason to choose orthodontic treatment, it’s important to consider this benefit alongside other surprisingly important aspects of care. Not sure you can come up with any other advantages to aligning your teeth? Learn more and it just may spark your motivation to get going on finding the right orthodontic system for your needs.


Dental Emergency Tips

The reason we offer emergency dentistry to our patients is that emergencies are never expected – which means you certainly don’t have time to prepare. Emergencies are, however, extremely urgent, typically including problems that we can address and improve if we can get to them quickly enough. First things first, if a sudden accident occurs, remember to contact us as quickly as possible. Then, consider essential guidelines that will assist you in arriving at our office with your most successful visit ahead of you.


FAQs: Children’s Dental Filling

When it comes to protecting your child’s smile, you may find that you consistently ask a lot more questions and feel much more concerned than you ever felt for yourself. We understand! In addition, we hope you will take some time to learn more about children’s dental fillings if you’re finding that you feel hesitant to schedule a visit for your little one. While nobody particularly enjoys dealing with tooth decay, this effective treatment actually makes restoring your child’s tooth a breeze. Allow us to offer some helpful facts by answering common questions about pediatric fillings.


Invisalign Treatment Benefits

Does your smile’s lack of uniformity cause you to feel dissatisfied with your overall appearance? Perhaps you have little spaces between your teeth that you find both esthetically displeasing and uncomfortable. Whatever the case, we find that patients (just like you) commonly avoid orthodontic treatment because they do not want to deal with the undesirable side effects that come with metal braces. Lucky for you, we offer Invisalign treatment, a system that relies on clear braces to align your smile. You will find that this system offers a wealth of exciting benefits.


Dental Implants: The Parts

Learning about the benefits of dental implants is something that fills most patients suffering from tooth loss with hope. After all, this tooth replacement solution can guide you toward a full tooth replacement (from roots to crown). However, while replacing your entire tooth sounds like a wonderful option, you may find yourself feeling a bit bogged down by the details. Before you delve any deeper into the specifics of treatment, we suggest you become familiar with the parts required to restore your smile.


Full Dentures: A Quiz

You may think you know every last detail about dentures, which can significantly impact your decision to choose them to replace your teeth (or to consider another prosthetic). If you’re an individual who thinks today’s dentures are bulky or unnatural looking, we suggest you quiz yourself to find out how much you really know about replacing your teeth with full dentures. Of course, we also strongly suggest that you schedule a consultation with us, so we may quickly begin steering you in the right direction for addressing your tooth loss.


Dental Bridge Benefits

Have you been doing some serious homework when it comes to deciding which tooth replacement solution is right for you? We understand that this can take a lot of thought and consideration, which is why we suggest narrowing down your options and focusing on the benefits. For instance, if you are missing one tooth or up to three teeth in a row, a dental bridge may offer the advantages you have been seeking and may be appropriate for your tooth loss pattern. Wondering if a bridge is your best choice? Learn more about how it may benefit your smile and compare it to other prosthetics for a better idea.


Root Canal Therapy Quiz

Have you received a root canal therapy to save your tooth in the past? If not – and you are currently in need of this solution – you may find that you are not quite sure what to expect. The good news is that a root canal is comfortable and effective, quickly helping to alleviate your discomfort. Perhaps you are already aware of this information. Or, maybe you are concerned that you know too little to feel comfortable showing up for your appointment. We invite you to test your knowledge to see just how much you know – and, in the meantime, please feel free to call us with questions, so you can feel confident about protecting your smile.


What’s What: Crowns, Inlays, Onlays

If you have recently found out that you need restorative dentistry to fix a damaged tooth – but a dental filling won’t cut it – you may not know much about what to expect. Sure, we may have suggested a dental crown to repair your tooth, which is something you have likely heard of before. However, you may not need a full crown and instead require an inlay or an onlay. Rather than shrink away from what seems like a complex set of options, we encourage you to learn more about these beneficial treatments that can save your smile. You will find that becoming familiar with our services will help you feel at ease about your upcoming appointment.


2015 Best Of Inland Empire Winner

While we pride ourselves on offering exceptional dental services to you and your entire family, we are always happy to hear that our patients are speaking loudly and clearly to our community, passing along the same information. We are pleased to announce that we are the recent recipients of a local award, making it onto a prestigious list with other beloved hometown favorites in Riverside. Learn more about all we have to offer and give us a call if you have been looking for a new place to call your dental home.
