Tips For A Whiter Smile

Have you been unhappy with your smile for some time now as a result of discoloration? Fortunately, you are not alone or without options. Like many patients, you have a variety of solutions at your fingertips. You may assume that the only way is to achieve a brighter smile with traditional teeth whitening – which is certainly one option. However, reaching your goal of enjoying a whiter smile (and keeping it that way) is a multi-faceted experience. We encourage you to learn some simple tips that will help you attain the sparkling smile you want.

Limit Staining Foods

Do your favorite foods happen to include those that are known for their stain-causing abilities? Anything super-pigmented (think tea, coffee, berries, and more) is likely to contribute to yellowing or darkening. One option is to limit these foods and to treat them as occasional indulgences rather than daily treats.

Rinse and Brush After You Eat

Not quite ready to give up your morning cup of coffee or other stain-causing agents? Don’t worry – you can practice a little prevention in this case. Even individuals who have already brightened their teeth with teeth whitening will find that this solution helps keep their smiles nice and bright. You will simply need to rinse your mouth out after you eat or drink something staining. Then, after 30 minutes has passed, brush your teeth.

Don’t Forget Your Cleanings

Dental cleanings are just as important as your daily brushing and flossing. Remember to visit us for your six-month checkups and cleanings, so we can help you keep your teeth as clean and stain-free as possible.

Consult With Us For Whitening

Ready to make a dramatic change for a whiter smile? Visit us for a cosmetic consultation. We will discuss your options, such as at-home teeth whitening or in-office whitening, to help you quickly achieve the smile you desire.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.


Dental Bridge Design

There is certainly a difference between the fantasy of replacing your teeth with a dental bridge and the reality. What you begin dreaming about typically includes your completed smile. What you may find that you still have questions about is how we design your bridge so it fits comfortably and beautifully within your smile. Fortunately, we offer custom-fitted devices to ensure your smile looks and feels wonderful when you make the decision to address tooth loss. Rest assured, planning your prosthetic is a simple, streamlined adventure.

About Your Replacement Teeth

First, it’s important that you realize we will match the shade of the replacement teeth to your surrounding teeth. Patients are often concerned that the bridge will not blend with the remainder of their smile. Here’s why this works: First, we use porcelain artificial teeth within your bridge. Porcelain is quite similar to natural tooth tissue, so you can expect a lifelike look. In addition, we will customize the color of those artificial teeth, so nobody can tell where the bridge ends and your natural smile continues.

About The Planning

We will take impressions of your teeth. This includes using a putty-like substance to make molds of your smile, a model from which a ceramicist at a dental lab will craft your bridge. As a result, you can expect an exceptional fit and design that blends seamlessly with your remaining natural teeth.

Placing Your Bridge

You already know that a bridge replaces one tooth or up to three teeth in a row, so you can easily visualize a bridge. It’s simply a series of connected artificial teeth. Each end is composed of a dental crown. We will place each crown over a natural tooth on either side of the open space in your smile. The placement is permanent, which means we will cement it in place, making the bridge a “fixed” prosthetic.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.

Dentures: About Your Fit

Wearing full or partial dentures should be a comfortable experience that allows you to enjoy a complete smile. However, sometimes patients experience problems with comfort as the result of fit. This may affect the stability of your denture, as well. If you’re under the impression that this prosthetic is simply something that isn’t meant to feel comfortable, think again. We encourage you to learn more about how your denture should fit and what may change, so you feel confident about wearing dentures and know when to speak up if something doesn’t seem quite right.

Creating The Right Fit

Choosing dentures with us means that you can expect carefully crafted prosthetics that will ensure an excellent fit. We will take extra care in planning your denture. You see, a complete denture will rest over your dental ridge, replacing your entire arch of teeth. A partial will fit over a portion of your smile, making room for remaining teeth, while receiving a bit more support with the use of metal clasps. To make the most of the natural suction that your mouth creates, your denture’s dimensions much match your smile with precision.

Protecting The Fit Of Your Dentures

Now that you have full or partial dentures that fit you beautifully, it is important that you maintain the dentures. Aspects of care that you may not have considered may warp the shape of your prosthetics, which may lead to poor fit and irritation. Here’s what you need to remember:

  • Don’t use hot water to clean or rinse your prosthetic – it may damage the fit of your denture.
  • Follow our instructions for cleaning to keep your dentures in good condition.
  • Remember to soak your dentures, so they do not become dehydrated.
  • Do your full or partial dentures feel uncomfortable? If so, a change in fit may mean you need a repair or replacement. Make sure you let us know right away, so we can prevent your mouth from becoming irritated.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.

Dental Implant Candidacy: True or False

Deciding whether a dental prosthetic is the right choice for you typically includes taking a long list of factors into consideration. Fortunately, there’s a teeth replacement solution that fits your needs – it’s just a matter of making a choice that meets your personal goals and preferences. If you have been considering dental implants to replace your missing teeth, you may find yourself wondering if you will qualify. For a better idea of who makes a good candidate for treatment, take the following dental quiz for a spin and remember to call us with questions or to schedule a consultation.

Implant Candidacy Quiz: True or False?

  1. True or False: There is nothing you can do to become a candidate for dental implants if you have suffered from gum disease.
  2. True or False: Patients typically qualify for implants quite quickly if they are interested in a short-term recovery process with their dental prosthetic.
  3. True or False: Candidacy for implants rests in part on a desire to replace your entire tooth, including the visible portion as well as your tooth’s roots.

Quiz Answer Key

  1. False. If you have suffered from gum disease, which may be the cause of your tooth loss, you may still qualify for dental implants. You see, severe gum disease can damage your jawbone, which must have sufficient volume and strength to support implants. We will determine whether your bone is healthy enough or if you need bone grafting, which may improve your candidacy.
  2. False. Choosing implants provides you with a host of wonderful benefits. However, candidacy will rest partially on your ability to enjoy the somewhat lengthy process. After the surgical placement, you will recover for several months.
  3. True. Dental implants are the only prosthetic that provide you with a way to restore the roots of your tooth. Some patients prefer to simply restore the part of their tooth that rests above their gumline, choosing a prosthetic such as a partial or bridge.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.


Welcome Root Canal Therapy With Open Arms

Are you a little confused about why you need root canal therapy to save your tooth? Perhaps you’re not sure if it’s a big deal whether you schedule your appointment now or later. We find that some patients deal with extremely mixed feelings when it comes to root canals, even if they are experiencing discomfort and need a solution. If you suffer from feeling compelled to schedule your visit because you know treatment is the right choice but you are plagued with fear, rest assured: It’s completely comfortable. It’s also time you learn why you should welcome this therapy option with open arms. For hard facts that will help soften your feelings about rescuing your tooth, consider the following:

You Should Schedule Root Canal Therapy Immediately

What’s the rush? Well, your tooth is infected – actually, it’s the dental pulp within your tooth that has become significantly damaged or infected by bacteria. The bad news in this scenario is that your pulp cannot heal or fix itself. To save your tooth, we will need to remove the pulp and other tissues from the interior portion of your tooth, so you can avoid an extraction.

You see, if you neglect the infection, it will become worse and worse. Eventually, we will need to remove your tooth because the infection will become too severe for root canal therapy. This is a problem because the worsening infection brings with it a list of other complications. The infection may abscess, which can become extremely uncomfortable. The infection may move beyond your tooth, infecting nearby tissues. At this point, you will need additional treatments to restore a greater portion of your mouth.

What’s Wrong With Tooth Removal?

An extraction is an aggressive move unless absolutely necessary. Removing your tooth will leave you with an open space in your mouth, which may throw off your alignment and the balance of your bite. You may also have difficulty with chewing, speaking, and may feel embarrassed to smile. This means we will need to replace your tooth with a dental prosthetic to prevent these problems, which is costly. You can avoid these concerns by agreeing to root canal therapy.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.

What’s A Dental Filling?

If we discover a cavity in your mouth we will likely suggest a dental filling to restore your oral health. In some cases, a very severe cavity may require alternative options like a dental crown. For the most part, however, we will suggest a filling to improve your tooth so it feels and looks like you never suffered from tooth decay at all. Not sure why a filling is so important or what to expect? Find out more with the following details, so you feel good about making the choice to visit us to repair your smile.

It’s Restorative

Restorative dentistry is the area of dental care that focuses on healing and repairing your smile. When you suffer from tooth decay, bacteria from plaque have released acids in your mouth. Those acids have eaten away at your tooth tissue, resulting in a hole we call a “cavity.” We need to address this problem for a variety of reasons. First, your tooth is physically damaged which leaves it vulnerable to further damage. Also, a hole in your tooth offers easy access to bacteria – if bacteria reach the interior portion of your tooth, an infection is likely to occur. You can prevent major problems by restoring your tooth with a dental filling when necessary.

Here’s What To Expect

To begin your dental filling, we will establish complete comfort so you feel at ease. This means that we will use local anesthesia to numb the tooth and surrounding area, so you won’t feel much (if anything at all) during the treatment. Then, we will clean out the hole in your tooth, ensuring it is free of debris. To restore your tooth’s structure and health, we will fill it with composite, a synthetic acrylic-resin material that we will match to the shade of your tooth for a lovely finish.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.




Dental Bonding Q&A Session

Not completely thrilled with the appearance of your smile? It’s important when this happens to ask yourself if you’re dealing with a widespread issue, such as comprehensive misalignment, or if you’re unhappy as the result of small imperfections. If your problem includes areas of missing tissue, a few open spaces, or a small crack, your concern may be quite easy to address. Fortunately, we offer dental bonding to cover problems, extend tooth tissue, fill in chips, and close spaces between teeth. If you are feeling excited about this (or have already been considering  bonding), you may still have some questions about what to expect. Clear up any hesitation with the following:

Questions and Answers About Dental Bonding

Question: Will I need to schedule multiple appointments?

Answer: No, dental bonding is quite convenient. We will apply liquid composite to the target area that you would like to improve. Once we sculpt the material – a color-customizable, synthetic acrylic resin – we will set it. Before you leave, we will polish your entire tooth for a natural, beautiful shine. This is quite efficient and typically requires only a single visit.

Question: I’m a little nervous about new procedures – will you need to apply anesthesia to complete bonding?

Answer: No, dental bonding is completely noninvasive and completely comfortable. We will simply apply composite to a particular portion of your tooth and will use a special curing light to set it. There is no need for anesthesia or sedation of any kind.

Question: I’ve been considering a variety of cosmetic treatments. Is bonding affordable?

Answer: Within the list of cosmetic options to improve your smile, dental bonding is going to provide you with a wonderful solution that requires the smallest investment. This is particularly true when you compare the cost of bonding with the investment required of porcelain veneers. Please speak with us during your visit for more specific details.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.

Dental Bridge: Basic Info

You know that it’s time to do something about the open space in your smile that was left behind as the result of tooth loss. However, you may not know where to begin. If you’re missing a tooth or up to three teeth side-by-side, a good place to begin may include learning more about dental bridges. This type of prosthetic offers a beautiful solution that will allow you restore your smile as well as your daily (recently not-so-great) quality of life. Ready for some additional facts to get you started? Read more:

So, What Is A Bridge?

A dental bridge is a dental prosthetic that we suggest for patients who wish to replace up to three teeth. It is composed of a series of artificial teeth. On each end of the bridge is a single dental crown – this is what we will cement over your natural tooth for support. On either side of your open space, we call the natural tooth that rests there your “anchor tooth” or your “abutment tooth” since it offers all of the support for the bridge. Between the end crowns are “pontics.” These artificial teeth rest between your anchor teeth, filling the space to complete your smile.

How It Helps

We will color-match the pontics and dental crowns in your bridge to match the rest of your smile – you can expect a complete smile that looks beautiful. In addition to helping improve your self-confidence, you will find that a dental bridge also improves your daily function. You will be able to eat comfortably and successfully again – the way you did when you still had a full set of natural teeth. Your bridge will also allow you to articulate your thoughts verbally without any difficulty pronouncing your words.

Do I Qualify?

A candidate will only qualify for a dental bridge if his or her smile is missing one tooth or up to three teeth that previously sat next to each other. Otherwise, we will need to suggest an alternative solution to your tooth loss.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.


Surprising Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Have you been planning your smile makeover for years? Perhaps you were not even aware that you could achieve a makeover so easily until you learned about the qualities of porcelain veneers. While most patients experience great relief when they discover veneers can address a broad spectrum of imperfections all with a single treatment, they often speak with us about their concerns about further benefits. For instance, are they going to last, you may wonder? To discover some of the more surprising benefits of veneers, take a glance through the following:

You Can Eat What You Want

We find that patients often become worried that they will need to completely alter their eating habits. This includes beverages. The wonderful news for you if you’re considering porcelain veneers is that you may continue to eat and drink what you want without feeling too concerned about staining. While highly pigmented foods may still eventually lead to stains, you’re in no immediate danger of a lackluster smile. Simply brush your teeth twice a day. If you’re worried about potential stains, you may rinse right after meals. Then, brush within thirty minutes to keep staining foods from sitting on your teeth.

Care Is Simple

You don’t need to do anything dramatically different when it comes to your daily dental hygiene. In fact, you should continue brushing and flossing according to your usual routine as long as it follows our recommendations for natural teeth and gum care. Brush your teeth twice a day and remember to floss once a day. Keep your fingernails (and anything else that is hard, like pens for instance) away from your teeth to preserve the integrity of your veneers.

No Need To Worry

Those veneers are built to last. Known for their durability, they will continue to provide you with a beautiful smile as long as you take care of them and don’t place too much pressure on your teeth. If you have habits as mentioned above (chewing on ice, pens, etc.) or if you suffer from bruxism (teeth grinding) then visit us for suggestions or treatment.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.


Wisdom Tooth Removal 101

If you thought your teeth-growing days were over after middle school, you’re in for a treat. You see, you may develop another set of teeth called wisdom teeth during your 20s. The good news? In some cases, this does not cause any sort of problem whatsoever. Some people don’t even develop these teeth. However, for others, the teeth may pose a serious threat to your oral health. Fortunately, we offer wisdom tooth removal for patients who find themselves in need of care. Ready to learn a bit more about the associated essentials? Read the following:

What Is A Wisdom Tooth?

A wisdom tooth is a tooth that shows up once you’re an adult. You can usually expect these teeth (also called “third molars”) to make their appearance when you’re in your twenties. They comprise the third appearance of molars and are also associated with wisdom since they erupt in your older “wiser” years. If they grow in properly, they will rest behind the other teeth in your arch.

Why Do I Need Mine Removed?

Actually, it’s entirely possible that you won’t need your wisdom teeth removed. First, some people’s wisdom teeth simply do not ever develop. Others may find that their third molars develop and erupt in line with their other teeth without incident. However, you may find yourself faced with problematic wisdom teeth, which will then require wisdom tooth removal. Problems may include one of the following:

  • Teeth that threaten your current alignment by erupting on an angle. You see, when your teeth are set to grow in toward your current teeth, they may cause your smile to shift, which may then result in a need for braces.
  • Teeth that are impacted – this means the tooth does not erupt through your gum tissue (or through your bone tissue). An impacted tooth may cause a serious problem for a variety of reasons. Impacted wisdom teeth may feel extremely uncomfortable and they may easily become infected, leading to subsequent concerns.


With offices throughout Riverside Country, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley, Riverside Dental Group is happy to provide advanced general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry services to patients of all ages. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our office today at (951) 689-5031.