Wisdom Teeth: Why Do We Have Them And When Should They Be Removed

Riverside, CA dentist offers wisdom tooth removals

Our third molars, also known as wisdom teeth, typically grow during our late teenage or early adult years. In most cases, these will be removed to protect your other pearly whites. While this is a regular practice in dentistry, many patients wonder why we grow in a third set of molars and why extracting them is necessary. Today, your Riverside Dental Group of California explains why this is and the benefit of extracting them.


The Differences Between Fillings And Root Canals

Riverside, CA dentist offers fillings and root canals

When you have a cavity, it’s important to treat it as soon as possible. Removing the decay and filling it with composite resin protects your tooth from damage. When you have a deeper cavity, an endodontic treatment can be used to relieve discomfort and restore the tooth. While these two treatments are similar, they are used in different ways. Today, your Riverside Dental Group of California will explore the differences between a filling and a root canal.


All About Interceptive Treatment

Riverside, CA dentist offers interceptive care before braces

Did you know that there are steps necessary starting orthodontics? Many people may be led to believe that when their child is ready for braces, they can visit the orthodontist and begin treatment. However, in some cases, they may need extra help before starting the alignment process. This may include the use of space maintainers for premature tooth loss or expanders to create enough room before alignment. Today, your Riverside Dental Group of California is here to explain the importance of phase one treatment.


Starting The Orthodontic Process

Riverside Dental Group Offers orthodontic treatment

So, you have decided that you are ready to straighten your smile. Whether you are a parent guiding your child through this process, or an adult seeking orthodontic care for yourself, Riverside Dental Group in California is here to help you. Millions of people will at some point go through the process of braces or Invisalign. In today’s blog, we are here to tell you how this process works so that you can be knowledgeable about your treatment.


Preserve Your Jaw And Repair Your Smile With Implants

Riverside Dental Group offers implants, dentures, and bridgesIn recent blogs, we have talked about how prosthetics such as bridges or dentures can replace missing teeth. This has several benefits including improving your appearance and helping support the function of your teeth. Dental implants are another way to fill the gaps in your smile. This permanent structure is secured into your jaw and the attached crown will blend in with the rest of your natural teeth. Today, your Riverside Dental Group in California is here to tell you more about how an implant functions.


What To Know About Dental Prosthetics

Riverside , California dentist offers bridges

If you break or damage a tooth, a crown is a great option to restore the area and prevent further injury. But what do you do if the impairment is irreparable, or the entire tooth is lost? At Riverside Dental Group in California, we can help you replace a severely harmed or lost permanent tooth. Each patient has their unique circumstances, and your prosthetic will be crafted to meet your needs. Before you receive your dentures or bridge, read today’s blog to learn how they help.


When You Need A Crown

Riverside, CA dentist offers inlays, onlays, and crownsIn yesterday’s blog, we discussed the importance of filling a cavity. When you have decay, it is important to stop the progression of the cavity as soon as possible. If you harm your tooth in other ways, such as cracks or an entire piece breaking off, there are ways to restore this. In today’s blog, your Riverside Dental Group in California is here to talk about other restorative options after damage.


Accomplish A Celebrity Smile With Veneers

Riverside California dentist offers cosmetic treatments like veneers

Do you have discoloration on your smile that whitening cannot fix? Or a tooth that does not blend in well with the rest? If you are tired of noticing this problem every time you look in the mirror or at a picture, there is a way to change that. At Riverside Dental Group in California, we offer several cosmetic treatments. Professional whitening can target extrinsic stains, and contouring can even out jagged teeth. If you are looking for a way to permanently have a symmetrical and bright smile, veneers may be the solution you are looking for.
