Sedation Dentistry FAQs Answered by Riverside Dentists

What is Riverside sedation dentistry?

may use IV sedation.

How can sedation dentistry in Riverside help me?

Sedation dentistry is a great option for patients with dental phobias, patients who need extra help relaxing in the dental chair, or children who are not old enough to sit still during delicate dental procedures. For these patients, we may offer nitrous oxide. The benefit of this sedation method is that the medication will lose its effect quickly after the dental procedure, allowing patients to safely take themselves home without supervision.

What should I know about sedation dentistry?

At your sedation dentistry consultation with your Riverside dentist, we will discuss pre-operative and post-operative instructions. For patients undergoing dental procedures using nitrous oxide or IV sedation, our Riverside dentists recommend avoiding eating at least 2 hours before your procedure, as this may induce nausea. Additionally, patients who have had local anesthesia should not eat or chew gum until the numbness in their mouth wears off. Chewing with a numb mouth could result in dental injury from biting your tongue or cheek, or biting down too hard.  (more…)

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Riverside Dentists Discuss Bad Dental Habits

Are your habits causing permanent damage to your teeth? Are you unknowingly putting your oral health at risk? More than likely, you engage in at least one behavior that is harmful to your teeth and gums. In fact many of our patients are often surprised to learn how common behaviors actually do harm to oral health. Our team at Dental Associates of Riversideexplains how common habits may negatively impact the health of your teeth, gums, and mouth.

Habit #1: Forgetting to Floss

When you brush your teeth, you are only cleaning about 70 percent of your mouth. Even if you brush your teeth correctly, your toothbrush cannot clean between your teeth effectively. When you floss, you clean the hard to reach areas between your teeth and disrupt plaque buildup along the gum line. When plaque mixes with calculus deposits, it hardens into tartar. By forgetting to floss, you increase the likelihood of tartar buildup which contributes to gum disease. Because plaque can harden into tartar within two days, Dental Associates of Riverside strongly encourages patients to floss at least once a day to maintain a clean, healthy mouth.

Habit #2: Chewing on Hard Objects

Do you chew on ice cubes or pen caps? If you do, you could potentially permanently damage your tooth enamel. When you chew on hard objects other than food, it can wear tiny cracks in your tooth enamel. Over time, the sensitive interior structures of your teeth will become exposed to harmful bacteria. (more…)

Don’t Be So Sensitive! Tips to Relieve Achy Teeth

Research shows, up to 25% of Americans have had or currently have problems with sensitive teeth. Other studies tell us that dental health professionals report a rise in gum recession, acid erosion, and tooth wear. These factors contribute to sore, achy, sensitive teeth, but they aren’t the only culprits. In this article, your Riverside Dental Associates of Moreno Valley dentists share tips on treating and deterring tooth sensitivity.

Causes of Dental Sensitivity

  • Aggressive brushing
  • Chips, cracks, cavities
  • Faulty dental work
  • Gum recession
  • Internal tooth infection
  • Over-whitening or bleaching
  • Acid erosion
  • Tooth wear (due to bruxism, grinding) (more…)

Holy Halitosis! How to Combat Bad Breath in Riverside

Bad breath (halitosis) affects, and embarrasses, everyone at some point in life. Smelly foods, like fish, garlic, and curry, have oils that travel to the lungs and lead to bad breath. Other causes include dry mouth, postnasal drip or sinus problems, certain medications, smoking, gingivitis, tooth decay, and volatile sulfur compounds, or VSFs.

You can avoid smelly foods, drink water to moisten your mouth, medicate your sinus issues, and stop smoking, but if halitosis persists, you may need professional help. Halitosis is the third most common reason that people visit the dentist. In up to 90% of cases, bad breath starts in the mouth. Transient bad breath can come and go, but persistent bad breath is a more serious problem that affects about a quarter of adults. (more…)

Dental Specialists in Riverside: Pediatric Dentists

Multi-Specialty Dental Practice in Riverside

, or gum disease treatment, we have an experienced and knowledgeable dental professional that can help you restore your dental health. Experience and advanced education are what sets our dental team apart. Additionally, we understand that when it comes to your child’s dental care, you want a pleasant experience in a family friendly atmosphere along with quality dentistry services. That’s why our Riverside dental offices tout not one but five different pediatric dentists to meet all of your child’s dental needs.

What is a pediatric dentist?

A pediatric dentist, sometimes referred to as a children’s dentist or a pedodontist, specializes in children’s oral health care. This means that your has taken advanced education courses, gained extensive experience, and learned specific techniques related to children’s teeth.

Why is pediatric dentistry important?

Dental care individual to a child’s needs is important not only because of dental health conditions specific to children, but also to set the stage for a pleasant experience with professional dental care. A child who has had a good experience with a friendly dentist is more likely to continue routine dental checkups and cleanings into his or her adult life.

How can a pediatric dentist can help me?

A children’s dentist can give you seasoned insight on how to help your child achieve optimal oral health, how to spot dental problems early, and how to encourage proper oral hygiene. often focus on cavity prevention with procedures like sealant placement and fluoride treatments. Children’s dentists also pay special attention to developing facial structure, bite shape, and emerging permanent teeth.

Pediatric Dentistry in Riverside

If you would like to learn more about preventing childhood tooth decay, children’s orthodontics, or other pediatric dentistry services, contact our at (951) 369-1001. Our family dentist office serves patients throughout Riverside County, including Corona, Temecula, and Moreno Valley. 

Corona Dentists Educate Patients on Gum Disease

Our team of talented doctors and specialists at Dental Associates of Corona strive to educate our patients on maintaining optimal oral health. If you have visited our Corona dentist office, you are probably familiar with the terms “gingivitis” or “gum disease.” However, our dentists have found that many patients are unaware of how gum disease impacts a patient’s oral health. Your Corona dentists answer frequently asked questions about gum disease.

What causes gum disease?

Gum disease is caused by tartar buildup that inflames and infects the gum tissue. As tartar collects near the gum line, it irritates the gums and causes them to pull away from the teeth. As the gums recede, tartar will accumulate below the gum line where it builds up in the deep areas of gum tissue and along the roots of teeth.

How does gum disease affect oral health?

Gum disease is the chief cause of tooth loss in adulthood. When the gums recede, it loosens that natural bond that secures teeth in place. Eventually, as tartar collects along the roots of teeth and under the gum line, teeth will become loose and fall out. Advanced gum disease is also characterized as a widespread infection throughout the mouth. In some cases, the infection may even enter a patient’s bloodstream. A wealth of scientific research points to gum disease affecting a patient’s general wellbeing—especially heart health. (more…)

New Research Says Women Need More Dental Care

This weekend, America will celebrate Fathers with barbecues, pool parties, and baseball games. And while June brings Father’s Day and Men’s Health Month, we need to take a moment to review some important new findings about women. Recent dental research shows that women actually need to take better care of their teeth than men. Why? Hormones.

Hormones Influence Dental Health

In the journal Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry, a study by scientists at Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine reviewed extensive research about hormone-influenced health conditions in women. We’ve known for many years that during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, women are at higher risk for developing gum disease. Other research shows that many more women than men brush and floss daily. Generally, females tend to take their oral healthcare more seriously than their male counterparts, but they have good reason. (more…)

Preventing Children’s Cavities with Sealants and Fluoride

While dental health may not be the number one priority of a child, it is the number one priority of the pediatric dentists at Riverside Dental Group. They work hard to protect your child’s developing teeth from the dangers of tooth decay. In this blog post, your Riverside children’s dentists explain the benefits of dental sealants and fluoride treatments for young patients.

Dental Sealants

Because children often find it difficult to brush and floss their back teeth, your Riverside pediatric dentists recommend placing dental sealants on the molars of children under 14 years old. Sealants, which are composed of a thin, clear, plastic material covering the chewing surfaces of molars, protect tooth enamel from demineralization by providing a barrier against acids. By doing so, they also reduce your child’s risk of developing cavities and needing fillings. Dental sealants are safe for children and will naturally wear off over time. As sealants can only be placed on healthy teeth, make sure that your children are sticking to an oral hygiene routine to prevent decay.

Protecting Teeth With Fluoride

Like sealants, fluoride protects teeth from decay. This protection is especially important for the developing teeth of children. Your Riverside pediatric dentists recommend in-office topical fluoride treatments in addition to the use of fluoridated toothpastes and mouthwashes at home. Children can also benefit from public drinking water, which is fortified with fluoride. (more…)

Your Corona Dentists and Specialists Test Your Oral Health Knowledge

How much do you know about your mouth? It’s responsible for allowing you to eat, breathe, and speak. Without your mouth, you couldn’t chew and taste the foods you love. You couldn’t communicate at work, or with the ones you love. The dentists and specialists at Dental Associates of Corona want you to understand your mouth and oral health so that you can take great care of your smile, live a longer, higher quality life, and make wise decisions when dental treatment is necessary.

This quiz may teach you a few facts you didn’t know about your amazing mouth.

1. What is the name for the innermost layer of the tooth?

a. Pulp

b. Dentin

c. Enamel

d. Crown

The answer is a, pulp. Contained inside the pulp are connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerves that travel down through the tooth’s roots. A deep cavity or crack can allow bacteria to infiltrate the pulp within the tooth’s canal. If the pulp becomes infected, root canal therapy may be advised to save the tooth from extraction.

2. Which Corona dental specialist should you see if you need jaw reconstruction surgery?

a. Pediatric Dentist

b. Orthodontist

c. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

d. Endodontist

The answer is c, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Besides jaw reconstruction, these specialists are trained to perform a variety of procedures, including dental implant placement, wisdom teeth extraction, and the treatment of certain facial traumas. (more…)